Prepare For It Now, Before It’s Too Late

Prepare For It Now, Before It's Too Late

Knowing how to prepare for the unknown gives you an edge on life. When a situation happens, know what you’re going to do by having the resources and the confidence to get it done in order to move ahead.

Preparation is a life hack. Not only must you prepare for the right thing to happen, you must also prepare for the wrong (or worst) thing to happen.


Everyone is looking for their soulmate. That one person that completes you and you’ll be happy with forever.

This sounds like the perfect scenario, but just in case it doesn’t go the way you want it to go, be prepared.

If you happen to get into an abusive relationship, what can you plan for now to benefit yourself without getting stuck? Often times, people stay because they never prepare to leave if things take a turn for the worst.

There’s no time to play victim. Create a personal plan (i.e., save money just in case you need to find another place to stay) and be ready. If you happen to really find the love of your life, congratulations! You can keep the money saved for something else.


There’s one thing that everyone needs and that thing is money. No matter what you do in this life, money has to be exchanged. It sounds bad, but it’s the absolute truth.

Think ahead. If you lose your job (whether it’s your fault, or not), what other resources do you have to keep you going without losing the basic necessities? How do you even plan for something like this? Unless you have a rich uncle who doesn’t mind blowing his money, you’ll need to come up with (you got it) a plan.

You could do things like pay extra on bills or create another stream of income (keep in mind that all of this is done while you still have a job). It’s too late to do these things AFTER you lose your job, so start saving and investing your money now.

Don’t be afraid to pay extra on bills to stay ahead. It’s better to stay ahead, than to play catch up. Hard times isn’t something you want to experience suddenly, not if you can help it.


Another thing that people tend to do something about too late is paying attention to their health. Some things are unable to be prevented, but there are some things you can keep a rein on.

If genetics play a role in your family, don’t simply wait for it to happen to you (especially if it’s health-related). Get a head start on it and begin doing something about it now.

Something as simple as eating a healthy diet and exercising can help put you on the right track. It doesn’t have to be a strict diet where you exercise seven days a week, but for the most part, it should contribute to your overall well-being.

Practice moving and making better eating choices. Do your research and find out what can be done to put you in a better, more healthy, position. Your body will thank you later on down the road.

Be Forward-Thinking

Everything doesn’t happen all at once and we aren’t able to prevent every little thing. It will take time and patience to build an emergency fund, change your eating habits or whatever plan you hope to create. By staying a few steps ahead, you still put yourself at an advantage.

Prepare by being proactive. Whether it’s an unexpected bill or a situation that occurs out of your control, be ready and know what your next step will be.

Alleviate stress and worry by figuring things out now, rather than later. Start building solutions for whatever may happen and watch how much more smoothly your life will begin to play out.