Show up. Jump in. Fall down and get back up again.
It’s amazing the number of people who watch their life pass them by. Opportunities present themselves and they just won’t budge.
Why are you here? You get upset when someone wastes your time, but you won’t even be proactive in the life you live.
It’s your life!
You are the director and the star! You have creative control over what direction you want your movie to go in.
It’s not supposed to happen to you, you are supposed to make it happen!
Don’t let other people determine the end of your story. You can’t blame anyone but yourself if it doesn’t turn out the way you want it to.
This is all on you. Yes, it will be challenging. You will want to quit. You will see other people succeed before you. They are not your concern. That is not your movie.
Fight the negative chatter in your head. Replace it with positive affirmations. Keep moving forward. This is how you create your own outcome.
When you get a chance to do something positive, do it. That chance could turn into an opportunity to push you forward even more. Don’t get to the end of your life and wonder what would have happened if you did it. Do it so you’ll know what happens.
Make the necessary moves you need to make. Mom and Dad can only guide you so far. You must enhance your ability to grow and that only happens when you take action.
Participate in your life. It was made for you to design. Don’t hold back – do everything you wish you could do. Don’t let it pass you by.
You only get one. Make your dream come true.