Let’s Pretend

Everyone used to pretend when they were kids. We’d pretend to be cops, robbers, a princess, superhero – anything that we thought we could be, we could become it in our minds. It wasn’t something we had to stop and think about; we just announced it to everyone and started to become what we wanted to be.

For that moment, you were who you imagined you could be. There was never a thought of, “Could I really be a great superhero?” or “Would I be a pretty princess?” No, there was none of that. Everyone said who they were going to be and ACTION! Everyone fell into their respective roles and played them successfully.

What happened? It seems that everyone was so sure of themselves as kids, but when we grow older and we can actually be what we pretended to be as kids, it’s a challenge.

As we get older, we experience things. Instead of going on what we know to be true, we listen to other people and their experiences. We give priority to what other people think over ourselves and what we think.

If we start to pretend again, maybe we won’t have an issue with our confidence, among other things. Pretend you are successful. Pretend you do have the cure. Pretend you can beat the odds. Whatever it is, just pretend you can. It all starts in the mind.

As kids, we didn’t think of the worse case scenario. We usually would think of how to go about doing what we wanted to do, with a bright outlook. As adults, we’ve allowed our minds to be poisoned by, “…but what if?” We must take back our minds and make everything possible again.

Great minds think of the good that could happen and the bad that could happen. Then, they move forward. A stagnant mind thinks of the good that could happen and the bad that could happen. Then, they do nothing, just because of the thought of something bad could possibly happen.

Have a great mind. Move forward, even if something bad could happen. There’s always a possibility that something bad won’t happen, but you won’t know until you do it. When something bad does happen, you’ve already thought out a solution to get over it. Have a great mind.

Don’t scare yourself out of your own life. It’s yours to design the way you see it. You deserve to be among millionaires, even if you just hit one million yesterday. You belong in the same show with other artists, even if you were discovered last week. When we achieve a goal, some of us think it’s something we don’t deserve or we can’t measure up to those that have already made it. You accomplished that goal, so you belong! If it helps, just PRETEND that you do belong and go with it!

Take advantage of the awesome feeling of success. Do more things and help more people. That’s what you do when you’ve reached the top. It’s not over. Set another goal to become even better. Keep pretending that you can be more and do magnificent things. When something bad happens, think through it and be greater.

Keep pretending. Because you do deserve it and you do belong.