Learn Something New To Become A Better You

When you learn something that is interesting to you, you tend to keep up with it and want to know more. When you were in school, learning turned most of us off because we didn’t have a say in what we wanted to learn – a curriculum was given and had to be followed.

Now, you have a chance to guide your curiosity. Interested in cryptocurrency? Look it up on your phone. Want to grow your own food? Start in your backyard or in your window sill. How about starting your own business? YouTube University can help. You can even build your social media feed around learning more about your interests.

Just do it and go for it. Somewhere in our lives, we’ve been taught to doubt ourselves and limit our vision. No one hardly ever teaches you how to dig in and do the work towards your dreams.

It Starts In Your Mind

The first thing you have to do is reclaim your brain.

We tell ourselves it’s too hard or we’re too old. It’s too late or I’ll do it later. Our mind is built to protect us and keep us in our comfort zones – even if it hurts a little, your mind will think of a way to avoid it.

Your job is to overcome that way of thinking. Yes, it’s hard because you’ve been thinking that way all of your life and that can be difficult (but not impossible) to unlearn. Like anything else, it’ll take focus and effort.

Think of what you can do in your lifetime. Some people accomplish great things, while others float by without giving any kind of effort at all. There is no perfect time and no set plan – it’s all up to you to be productive and constructive. Make a commitment to whatever ‘impossible’ vision you have in your head and take baby steps to get there.

Some days it will work and some days it won’t. That’s what activates the genius in you (everybody has some sort of genius in them). If we knew the exact blueprint and the outcome, we would be weak minded with a sense of entitlement. We wouldn’t be able to build our resilience, test our beliefs or make any kind of contribution to ourselves or the world.

Learn To Grow

Don’t let a setback lower your confidence. You have the smarts to overcome any obstacle. Be proactive and forward-thinking. Have the type of attitude that allows you to move and improve.

Understand that your circumstances don’t define your potential. Again, this is one of those tricks that your brain plays on you. Force yourself to think on a different level – “let’s do it,” is a better beginning than, “it’ll never work.” Give yourself a chance and see how far you can go.

Some of your family and friends will validate the negative thoughts in your mind. They will laugh at your mistakes and make you feel small for dreaming big. The only way to fight against this, is to take action and find a better circle of support. Don’t be afraid to meet new people who are ambitious and outgoing – those are the ones who will fuel your actions!

Every time you listen to people who speak in the negative, you stunt your growth. You want to be in environments and settings that give you energy, people who believe and encourage you. Being in such a supportive space brings out your initial desire to learn and moves you toward your goal.

In The End

Don’t stay stuck in the same rut – you can control that. There are many things to be interested in, especially with today’s technology. Your learning doesn’t have to stop when you leave school.

Your mind is like a muscle. What happens to your body when you don’t exercise or eat a healthy diet? Exactly. Your mind is the same way. If you don’t use it, you lose it.

Imagine the results you want in the end – would you rather be sad with regret or happy with satisfaction? Everything won’t turn out the way you want it to, but at the very least, you made the attempt to learn and grow.