In Order To Win, You Need To Practice

Photo by dylan nolte on Unsplash

Practice mostly comes up in the conversation of sports. Everyday, a team will practice for an upcoming game. They practice because they are preparing to win.

Are you practicing to win? Even if you don’t play any sports, it’s still a necessary habit to perform daily.

It could be anything from a job interview to public speaking, but nothing gets better without practicing.

When we think of practice, we think of long, mundane hours of doing the same thing over and over again. It’s boring and it’s a waste of time.

Back in high school and college, I was in the marching band. You would think doing the same thing for years wouldn’t require lots of practice.

We practiced everyday in the summertime and after school. Year after year, we continued to do this. The mechanics were the same, but everyday, we became better.

We didn’t practice until we got it right, we practiced until we couldn’t get it wrong.

All of that practice paid off and it showed at our half-time performances – no one left their seats to use the restroom! Doing drills day in and day out seems boring, but you won’t be as great as you can be, if you don’t put in the practice.

LeBron James may be the best athlete right now, but he didn’t just get up and become the great athlete that he is. He practiced. I’m willing to bet that he’s practicing right now and he’s been playing basketball for years.

That’s what it takes. If you have to give a speech in front of hundreds of people, would you wing it and see what happens, or would you practice to be perfect?

No one is perfect, but striving for perfection gets you close. You still make mistakes, but each time you improve upon those mistakes, you become better the next time.

Build your foundation through practice. If you know what you want to do, have the discipline to practice it everyday. Whether you feel like it or not, get up and do the work.

That’s how you become a champion. That’s how you become excellent at what you do. If you want the reward, you have to do what it takes.

There’s no other way around it. If you want to be a winner, you have to practice winning.
