I Was Supposed To Do It Yesterday

I was supposed to do it yesterday. I could give ten excuses, but that wouldn’t help, even though I feel at least one of them is valid. I still did my daily work, but I didn’t do this part.

Usually, I beat myself up over not following my plan or forgetting to do what should have been done. When I (used to) do this, I end up wasting time by allowing the negative voices to take over my head. At some vulnerable point, I start to believe those voices. Then I go into a funk and that takes up another hour or two. Sometimes, I might even go on a shopping binge to make myself feel better and that could take up an entire day. It takes me quite some time to get back on that horse.

Now, I do feel some kind of way about not doing the part I was supposed to do yesterday, because now, I’ve broken the chain (and the chain was really long). Today, I am in a new space. Instead of sulking and feeling awful about what I didn’t do, I plainly decide to continue. No drama involved. Just continue. That’s it. Nothing happened and no one died. I am still here, working on being better than I was yesterday. I am grateful for the opportunity to continue. Yes, I did feel bad for a moment, but I realized that if I beat myself up over it, that’s more time I’m wasting. I could’ve been doing more work and making actual progress.

It’s not the end of the world. Things happen, but the quicker you get over what happened and move on, the better off you are. Yes, I am slightly disappointed in myself for missing that ONE day (and I won’t make excuses), but if I wake up tomorrow, it’s another day and another chance. Start a new chain. This is just what the Goalden Lady is about. Make no excuses and keep it moving.