Knowing how to think is not a subject that is taught in schools. Instead, it is up to the parents to teach their child how to think, if they teach them at all. Some of us come into the world following someone else’s lead, not knowing that we can lead ourselves. This causes a world full of non-thinkers. Learning how to think should be a skill that is required learning.
Direct thoughts is using your own thoughts to guide you to a successful life. It is careful, intentional thought that leads to your desired outcome. Among other characteristics, it takes focus and self-discipline to navigate your thoughts to this level.
Too many people are going in the same direction, following the same Joe Shmoe. Students don’t question teachers, academically. School counselors determine the fate of the students and most students go with it, without knowing they have a choice. They no longer control their own thoughts, as they have given up that great privilege to someone else.
Plain and simple: if you are not thinking on your own, someone else is thinking for you. Following someone else relieves you of the task of directing your own thoughts. This fulfills their life and destroys yours.
Direct thinking is a skill that can be taught. First, you must realize that it is a skill, like focusing. You may not know how to do it, but you can learn and enhance upon it through practice.
The best time to learn direct thinking is when you’re a child. You can still learn as an adult, but the earlier you study it, the more you can use it to guide your desired goals.
In essence, direct thought is leading your thoughts towards a certain direction. You are responsible for guiding your own mind. Will you guide it towards a well-deserved positive path or will you guide it towards a lazy, average negative path?
How It All Begins
We are born with basic instincts. There is nothing on our newborn minds, as of yet.
Although we may not know it at the time, we pick up signals within our space. We hear the sounds and experience the environment.
As we get older, our minds become sponges. Habits are picked up and we begin to develop our own thought patterns, depending on our environment. Some environments are filled with love and support, while others lack those basic elements.
We should allow children to think for themselves. Let them experiment. Let them learn to embrace their own challenges without constant assistance. They should know what it takes to solve a problem or make adjustments to changing plans. This will serve them well in years to come.
Children should know it’s a privilege to think for themselves. Historically, people have been abused and scolded for thinking on their own. So called ‘superior’ people were supposed to do all of the thinking for the ‘inferior’ people. This happened in many countries, across the world.
Therefore, we should appreciate the fact that we have the power to direct our own thoughts and we should direct them well. If you aren’t sure how to go about managing your mind in this way, this book will show you how.