How To Be a Big Baby

When you make a foundation to start your work, you’ve basically made a plan. Now, it’s time to get to work.

It’s time to take action. How do you begin taking action? It’s easy – by doing one thing at a time. The problem most people have is when they see the whole picture and how everything is supposed to end, they want to jump to the end within days. The purpose of the foundation was to get you started, so you could see what you needed to do, in order to achieve your work.

When a baby learns to walk, they don’t just get up and start walking like they were practicing in the womb. They first have to strengthen their legs. They jump up and down on anything they can get their little feet on. Then, with the help of an adult who already walks, they balance themselves and take assisted steps with the adult. After a while, they try to take a couple of steps at a time, without the assistance. Yes, they fall, they cry, they get up, and they try again. This happens over and over until they finally can walk on their own.

A baby doesn’t have a foundation or a plan, they just do it! It’s amazing how, as adults, we have to teach ourselves to be more outgoing, like children are. Children don’t think, they just do. They don’t allow disappointments to stop them in their tracks and give up like adults. What happened to this way of being? I can safely assume that we began listening to others at some point in our lives and we accepted the negativity. One day, everyone else’s opinions mattered. We began to want the trust and acceptance of certain people. Children are not like this – at least not until they reach the point of listening to others. All of a sudden, things begin to shut down. That outgoing spirit and curiosity has disappeared.

We must be like children – get that spark back! Today, we have to read up on how to have that spark, like a child does. Remember when someone would yell out, “Let’s build a boat!” And everyone would just run and scramble and start making a boat? No one asked for measurements or who would build what – you and your friends would just make it happen. It’s hard, but if we had that type of initiative at one time, we can get it back. There are some people who never lose it and they continue to be creative and constantly try new things. On the contrary, somehow, we made it more difficult on ourselves, as we got older, by listening to others and believing the negative things they say.

When you have a goal that you’re working towards, don’t think. Do it. Yes, we do need to think through a plan, but once the plan is in place, there’s nothing left to do but follow the plan. Don’t worry about if someone thinks it’s funny or that it will never work. People will always say something to throw you off because they aren’t doing anything to improve themselves. When they see someone else making it possible, their first line of defense is to insult what the other person is doing. You can tell a baby, “You’ll never learn to walk, you’re too slow!” The baby will hear what you said (just a bunch of sounds, I suppose), but that baby will get back up and keep trying. Over and over and over again, until it’s done. GO BABY!

Be a big baby. Be a child. Don’t think. Just do.