Fear is an emotion that we all experience. Being scared can push you towards greatness or it can paralyze you.
When we think of fear, we think about monsters, death or something that suddenly startles us. We learn to avoid it at all costs and move on with our lives.
What about fear of starting? Fear of not knowing? Fear of failure? Fear can come in many different dimensions.
Fear is very sneaky and strategic. A lot of times, you create it yourself, as opposed to an outside force creating it for you.
Think of when you tell your friend about a great idea you had. You’re excited, energized and ready to take action.
When you eagerly tell your friend about your idea, she doesn’t react the way you expected her to. Instead, she responds with, “Mary tried something like that and nothing happened. What a waste of time.”
Feeling as thought someone sucked the life out of you (because she did), you take what she says to heart. You think about it for a while and decide not to even try. If it didn’t work for Mary, why would it work for you?
Your friend put fear in you – not a scary, ‘Boo!’ type of fear, but the fear of taking action.
Wouldn’t you rather see for yourself, how your idea would have turned out? Experience your own results? Just because everyone has already tried it and failed, doesn’t mean you won’t be the one to make it work.
We all have different work ethics and levels of discipline. Maybe Mary didn’t stick with it long enough or she didn’t have the resources to continue. It doesn’t even matter what happened in Mary’s situation, the point is, you should do it anyway!
Another type of fear that stops us from making progress in our lives is the fear of not knowing.
Hindsight is 20/20. It’s safe because you’ve already seen how a situation might turn out. That type of knowledge will keep you in one place for the rest of your life.
We’re not talking about the fear of being burned by a stove or juggling 20 knives. We’re talking about fear of possibility.
If you went on a job interview and didn’t get the job, don’t let that stop you from applying to another similar job. Fear will paralyze you mentally.
You never know what will happen. We tend to think through a scenario in our minds, without making the attempt through our own actions.
“I won’t pass that test, it’s too hard.” But what if you do?
“I can’t build an underwater rocket.” But what if you can?
If it sparks you, do it! You never fail until you quit – failing only shows you how to do it better the next time you try!
Failure is the path to your masterpiece – The Goalden Lady
You must put the physical effort into it, before you assign it a negative result. Otherwise, you’ll never know what’s possible – you’ll only know that it didn’t work out in your mind.
Fear is a dream killer. The only way to get over it, is to go through it. Don’t let fear put imaginary limits on you. Stop allowing others to place their fears and limitations on you – you’re not them.
You could be the person to succeed at figuring it out or doing it the best.