Get It Over With

There are things that we are all afraid to do. The sooner you get around to doing it, the better off you’ll be. It’s taking up time and energy that you could be using on doing your work.

Let’s say you’re afraid of public speaking. You avoid it as much as possible. You never volunteer to talk in front of an audience of two or more people. Well, public speaking is one of those things that you’re going to need to do every once in a while. Do you continue to avoid it like a disease, or do you confront it and just do it?

Whatever you are afraid of doing, more than likely, it’s something that is going to keep coming up again and again. If you just do it and attempt to make it less scary, life will be that much better. You don’t exactly need to master it, but you need to not be afraid of doing it. It shouldn’t stop everything else that you’re doing and take up valuable time. It should be something that you can do whenever it comes up and then you’re able to move on to what’s next. Don’t allow it to scare you and freeze your steps every time it needs to be done.

Do what it takes to do that scary thing. Get help, if you need it. Go cold turkey and just do it. It doesn’t matter what method you choose, the point is to get it over with, then, get over it. More than likely, no one else is putting as much thought into it as you are. As always, do your best and keep it moving. There are other things that need to be done.

My advice may sound a bit harsh to some, but when it comes down to it, you either need to poop or get off the pot. It’s simple – get help or just do it, practice, and get better. The more you do it, the less scary it becomes. If need be, hire someone to do it for you, but don’t waste your time and energy trying to figure out how you’re going to do it, every time it needs to be done. There are many other things that you are great at doing – put your time and energy into that.

Realize that if you go through with doing this scary thing, after you’ve done it, you’ll live. You’ll get better and better and then, there won’t be a second thought when you have to do it again. Drink some water. Get it over with, then, get over it.