Finding Time

One of the most commonly used excuses is, “I don’t have time.” You can tell yourself that all you want, but everyone has time. That twenty four hours a day belongs to all of us. No one is afforded more time than the other. It’s really one of two things: you either really have a lot to do or you’re just doing a lot of nothing.

There are some people who have a lot on their plate. I don’t doubt for one minute that these people exist. The one thing that can help and make them better is time management. Some people are so busy that they are constantly rushing from one thing to the next. It may look like they are extremely busy, but if they want to find the time to do what they want to do, they can find it.

If they slow down and see where they can rearrange or delegate some of the things they’re doing, it’ll free up enough time so they can do what they want to do. Some people look busy, but they really aren’t busy being productive, they are busy looking busy. If something is just kind of just there for you to do, give it up or give it to someone else to do. Some things we can totally let go of – we just continue to do them out of habit, but it’s not really important. Let that go.

Another way to find time is in your sleep. That’s right – no one likes to do this, but you can always get up earlier. The truth is, there’s hardly anyone up at four in the morning, so you can focus and do anything. This would be the perfect time to put in work – no one is up asking you to do things, the phone won’t be ringing, and there won’t be any little distractions to interrupt you. If you make it a habit, you will be sure to get anything done at this time in the morning.

Rearranging your schedule to find time to do what you want to do can be a challenge, but it can be done. Anything that’s worth doing is worth the effort. Your goals may take some extra time outside of work, but it’ll be worth the extra time you put into it. No one said it would be easy.

My father used to say, “You can find time to do anything you want to do,” and he’s right. If it’s important to you, it won’t be a problem at all to do what you want to do. I can find all the time in the world to go skating, but I just can’t seem to fit it in my schedule to clean the backyard. The time is there, we just have to find it.