Do you expect everyone to love what you do, before you get started? When we start a significant journey, one of the first things we deal with are our expectations. We expect a good circle of support, as well as a good outcome of something great.
Having a positive vision helps with the process, but you shouldn’t get stuck depending on others. Waiting for someone to validate you or agree with your idea is a waste of time – you’ll be waiting forever.
Instead, bet on yourself and take a chance. Remember to keep up with your own expectations – run your race, according to your standards.
Control What You Can
One of the most important things to remember is that you can only control what you can. Often times, we get bent out of shape over things we have no control over and we allow it to consume our day in a negative way.
If someone gives a negative opinion about your project, that doesn’t mean you should stop. It’s just an opinion. You did your best, but you aren’t able to control what other people say or think.
Don’t overthink their opinion. It’s fine to think back on how you could improve, but don’t let it ruin the fact that you pulled off this project when no one else wanted to take it. You put the idea out there and took a chance, while they gossiped in the break room everyday.
You can only deal with what you can control. If it rains on the day you were planning to go out, don’t worry the rest of the day away – you can either plan it for another day, or simply do something else.
Don’t Expect Immediate Support
You have this incredible idea in your head and it’s going to change the world! You can’t wait to get started.
When you tell your family and friends about it, they don’t seem too excited. You may even receive some unsolicited feedback on how it won’t work out and how crazy you are for thinking of it.
If these are the types of reactions you get, you’re actually on the right path. Hardly anyone ever supports great ideas from the start. Sometimes, you have to prove yourself before people jump on board.
It can be a lonely path in the beginning, because no one sees your vision the way you do. As they say, if it were easy, everyone would do it. Most people won’t be supportive at first, so don’t expect everyone to back you. Believe in what you’re doing and continue to persist.
This is why it’s important to get around a group of encouraging people. It’s not necessary, but it helps that someone else can see a glimmer of light when everyone else only sees darkness.
Expect Nothing To Go As Planned
Writing your thoughts down and creating a plan to make it work is essential when working on your goals. What happens when things don’t go according to your plan?
If your plan doesn’t seem to work, it’s alright. You’ve found a way that doesn’t work, therefore, you don’t have to waste any more time on that particular strategy. It’s called making progress.
This is not a hint to stop and give up. It’s a helpful hint that is pointing you in another direction, to attempt something else. There’s no straight path to success.
The twists and turns that you’ll experience will only make you more productive, aware and intelligent. Mistakes are merely suggestions on what to do next, or how to do it better.
So, no, it won’t go as planned. You must possess the mindset that you have the ability to figure it out as you go along. Every path is different and you are creating your own.
Expect The Best From Yourself
It won’t do you any good to have great expectations of other people, but it does help to expect more from yourself.
Other people will let you down, but you won’t let yourself down. Your standard of excellence will allow you to advance towards the future you are building. Others can’t do that for you.
Be confident and believe in yourself. It may be difficult, but trust yourself enough to go out and pursue your dream. Have the courage to go at it without stopping and succumbing to other’s opinions.
All it takes is one confident thought and some productive action. People will always find a way to insult your dreams, but only you can build yourself and make it happen.
What do you expect from yourself? It’s all up to you.