When I need help with something that I’m not familiar with, I expect a professional to do what I’m unable to do. It’s hard to trust someone instantly without knowing their ethical background, but sometimes, we have to jump in and hope for the best. Whatever it is you’re helping with, always do it right the first time and every time.
The elderly find themselves in this position often. They need help with something, or someone offers their help for something they really don’t need. Then, money comes into the picture. People who take advantage of the elderly have a special place in hell, just for them. I shouldn’t have to say this, but help the elderly. Especially, if they have no one they can trust or to guide them on a regular basis. If they ask you to do something, be ethical and do it right. You wouldn’t want anyone charging your grandmother an exorbitant amount for half services, so be respectful and assist with an honest heart.
This also comes into play at work. If you want to be recognized as a good worker, you have to constantly do well. Your duties should have the same consistent outcome, or better, every time you perform them. When you do well, people will remember you and even begin to seek you out. It’s not that they are trying to get more work out of you, it’s because they know you do it right, every time. Don’t get caught up in “they don’t pay me to do that” or “that’s not in my job description”. Going beyond what’s expected will put you in a better position in the future. Not only will you have knowledge of what to do, but you’ll know how to do it well.
When you do it right, every time, it may lead to earning more income. Your skills can create a path to other opportunities. Opportunities can lead to even bigger things, so never be lazy or lack in anything you do. Every time you do something, others should be able to say, “I know the Goalden Lady did that – it’s her signature work.”
Remember – you’re putting your name on the line. I wouldn’t want anyone to see my name and think badly of my product or my services. As they say, your reputation precedes you. It’s good to go to bed with a clear conscious every night – a clear conscious makes a soft pillow. When you do it right, every time, you’re also setting a positive example for those around you, whether you know it or not. Anyone can do anything lazily, but it takes an ethical, thoughtful person to take the time to do it right, every time. After all, you would expect the same in return.