Everyone goes through the stress of challenging times. It can take a toll on your mental and physical health. Stress and anxiety can cloud your outlook towards the sound solution you’re looking for.
People will tell you not to worry and to stay hopeful. This may be a good start, but don’t lean on it too much. There’s one thing they won’t encourage you to do.
The Victim Vortex
The unthinkable happens and you instantly begin to stress and go into, “I don’t know what to do,” mode. Without thinking, you begin to panic and everything seems to go downhill.
As you spiral out of control emotionally, you wish there was something that could save you from going deeper and deeper. The only thing that can save you is sleep, or some sort of vice.
This is the path to having a victim mentality. When you think like a victim, you feel like there’s no way out and all you can do is hope that someone will step in and save the day. At some point, you even feel like you deserve to be saved, yet, no one is paying attention.
Having a stress moment happens to everyone at one time or another. Some of us know how to handle it and move on – some of us allow it to carry us into an almost inescapable vortex, where we believe that everyone else owes us.
There’s Still Work To Be Done
As you look to family and friends for support, you’ll get everyone’s sympathy. No one wants to kick you while you’re down and that’s very considerate of them. At the same time, a plan needs to be created for your comeback.
Most people stay in the victim vortex, because it’s safe, even though they aren’t making progress. That type of negative energy is nearly impossible to escape.
On the other hand, it’s nice when everyone is on your side and so understanding. Everyone realizes that it wasn’t your fault and it’s horrible that this even happened to you.
What they don’t tell you is there’s still work to be done. Sitting and waiting for something to change in your favor is not going to cut it. You must get up and be productive. Climb your way out and create a plan, so you’re not caught off guard when it happens again. Something needs to push the train and that something is your effort.
At the time, you may not know what to do, but do something. You don’t know if you’ll run into someone with good information or if you’ll stumble across something on the internet. Attempt new things or go volunteer. You’ll never know where you’ll find your solution if you continue to sit still.
Overall, there’s things you can do, directly or indirectly, to help move the needle. Depending on others to do it for you will only dig you into a deeper hole. Find some courage, make some moves and save yourself!
Less Stress Makes More Progress
If you’re fortunate, you may have that one person who is forward-thinking and wants to push you to be more active towards your situation. That’s the person you need on your team, because they know you can do better and won’t offer pity. It’s difficult to find people who will give you that raw support you really need. Sympathy is nice, but it won’t provide the answer.
Instead of relying on someone else to improve your situation, work on improving it yourself. Having such a positive mindset during a challenging time is hard, but you can get through it.
Give yourself time to feel bad. Get your feelings out and then, get them under control. It may take a day or it may take a week, but give yourself a time frame where you’ll stop the pity party and start being productive.
Time doesn’t wait. One day you’ll look up and it’ll be next year – don’t be in the same place, still feeling sorry for yourself. Your emotions may draw you back every now and then, but have the confidence to pull yourself back into being active.
Most people don’t want to hear about progress when they’re stressed, but you don’t have to be those people. Success favors the bold and if you want to have a fulfilling life, do the things that will get you there. It’s your choice – do you want to stay comfortable, or grow into your greatness?