“…But did you finish?” That’s all that counts. No one cares about what happened right before you walked out of the door, or even how you almost hit a cat – all that matters is “…did you finish?”
It may sound a little harsh, but all of the small talk is just a distraction. For those who are driven to get things done, whether they’re on a schedule or not, it’s important. If you are going to come up with excuses or reasons why it didn’t get done, then get off the train. Don’t waste people’s time by saying you can do it and then you don’t do it for some small, insignificant reason.
This separates the great people from the okay people. Great and okay people don’t hang with each other, because they have different perspectives on their goals. Great people will get things done, no matter what. They will find a way to make it happen. Time is an important asset to great people. The only thing that matters is forward movement and progress.
Okay people are more relaxed. They don’t see the issue with being consumed by time. They think, “There’s always tomorrow.” There is no urgency in what they do, even when it counts. Okay people will put things off until it is eventually forgotten. Finishing is not a priority to them.
There will come a time in life when you will have to complete what you do. Putting things off, especially if it is a goal, is a bad habit to develop. Get in the rhythm of doing. Don’t over think it or wonder what will happen if you don’t do it, just go ahead and do it. See how far you get with interruptions, distractions, and constant procrastinating. Be productive and get it done – you’ll end up in a much better space, physically and mentally.