In order for your thoughts and ideas to come to life, you must have discipline. Discipline is developing a steady behavior by practice. Without discipline, you won’t get very far in your efforts.
There are a few ways you can enhance your discipline skills. Depending on your goals, discipline can be very easy or very difficult.
Eating ice cream everyday is a discipline. It’s not a good discipline, but it is a behavior that was practiced and maintained. Actually, it takes more discipline to stop eating ice cream everyday.
Exercising everyday is also a discipline, but in this case, a hard one to practice and continue. You need more concentration to enforce this habit, because it’s not as easy or fun.
No matter what the habit is, discipline is needed to constantly reinforce it. We think of discipline as something hard to do, but in the long run, it’s a great quality to develop.
- Create a schedule. You can’t go wrong with this. Everyday, at a certain time, do your task. Improve yourself everyday at that specific time. Read a book, every night at 8pm, instead of watching that reality TV show. Work on your master plan every morning at 5am, instead of sleeping in. If it promotes your self-improvement, make time for it.
- Use positive reaction. Let’s say you’re trying to drink 8 glasses of water a day, but it’s just so hard to do. In this case, find something around you that will trigger you to drink. Every time your phone rings, drink. Every time someone says your name, drink. Every time you smile at someone, drink. This will encourage small wins throughout your day, towards a bigger purpose.
- Remove distractions. Developing strong discipline requires you to put yourself in a better environment. Wherever you find distractions that pull you away from your goal, remove it. Don’t walk down the ice cream aisle in the grocery store, if that’s what you’re trying to avoid. If you’re trying to stop sleeping in, set your alarm clock to the most annoying sound to wake yourself up.
- Eliminate excuses. Making excuses is the main reason why discipline doesn’t work. You are in control of what you do and how you do it. Where there are excuses, there is no discipline. There is no reason why you are unable to win, when it comes to building a positive routine that leads to success. You are responsible for driving your life. When you stop making excuses, discipline can take you to the next level.
These are only a few ways to develop your discipline muscle, but you can come up with more custom ways that work for you.
Once you master one habit through discipline, start another one. Not only does it reinforce your productivity, it will definitely lead to many accomplishments.
It takes effort to be disciplined. Grow towards your potential today by starting small and sticking with it!