
Being accountable for your actions is a huge responsibility. It is a useful characteristic that should be learned early, so that it can form into a habit as a young adult. Today, we hear people talk about having an accountability partner to help keep you on track for different tasks. The best accountability partner you can have, is yourself.

Accountability is holding yourself responsible for efforts and tasks that need to be done. This also closely coincides with responsibility. When you have something to do, it is your responsibility. Having an accountability partner may help, but what happens when they don’t hold you accountable? The ultimate obligation depends on you. You will suffer the consequences, not your accountability partner.

This is why having an accountability partner doesn’t always work. It’s best to hold yourself accountable and handle your own responsibilities. Others may help, but the final outcome rests on your shoulders.

People who do not hold themselves accountable will blame others for any and everything. It’s always someone else’s fault.

“I didn’t pay the bill because she didn’t remind me!”
“I didn’t know the assignment was due today – my teacher only mentioned it once!”
“I’m sorry officer, but I’m telling you, the fire hydrant wasn’t there when I was parking.”

If you didn’t do what was supposed to be done, own up to it. Don’t blame others for what you were supposed to do. Even if you didn’t get it done, accept the fact that you slipped up, and move on. Blaming others for your mistakes is a surefire way of holding yourself back. It gets you absolutely no where.

Having an accountability partner may work, but just to be on the safe side, hold yourself accountable. There are many apps and reminders on your cell phone to help you with this. Technology may be a better choice as an accountability partner (if you must have one) than another human, but it’s your choice to make.

When you hold yourself accountable, it shows maturity. Besides, you shouldn’t want to hold someone else responsible for what you’re supposed to do. It’s your life and you’re in control – no one else. By holding yourself accountable, you will be able to make more things happen and rise to your greatest potential!