
Limits are limits, for a reason. Some limits can stop you from killing yourself and others. Some limits are used by others as a form of control. Then, there are limits that you place on yourself. Depending on which end of the spectrum you’re on, limits can save or destroy a life.

Limits can be constructive, if used in the right way. You may limit your alcohol intake or the number of negative people you hang around. In these cases, limitations are good to have. It keeps you from going over the edge and helps to maintain a healthy balance in your life. These are the kind of limits where you don’t want to go overboard with, because it could potentially be dangerous.

Some people use limits as a form of control over others. When you’ve been ‘trained’ to do something constantly, where you don’t bother to think about it, that’s control. The funny thing is, you don’t even know you’re being limited or controlled. It may take someone else to bring it to your attention, because you’ve been doing it for so long.

For example, there’s a story about the lion who was caged for most of his life. When he was rescued and put in a zoo where he had lots of room to roam, he only went as far as his ‘cage’ would allow him. The lion still had the mentality of being in a cage, even though he had more space to roam. This happens to people, too – not just animals in cages.

The worse type of limit is the one you place on yourself. When an opportunity presents itself and you say, “I can’t do that,” you’re limiting yourself. Don’t allow this type of thinking to ruin your life. Before you know it, ten years will pass by and you haven’t done anything towards your goals and dreams, because of those self-limiting beliefs.

Always believe in yourself. You have a right to think what you want to think, so it may as well be big and positive! People will place their limiting beliefs on you all day long, so don’t add to it by limiting yourself. If you have a hard time with this, there are plenty of affirmations and websites that will push you in the right direction (like The Goalden Lady). It takes practice, but like everything in life, it can be done. I believe in you!

You Have All The Time In The World

No, you don’t. That’s the thing about life – no one knows when their time is up. People mope around, thinking and planning what they’re going to do, but they never start because they have all the time in the world.”

How about you plan to start? Do something. Whatever your goal is, it has to get going somehow. Overthinking and finding little excuses that hold you over to the next week is not helping. Learn to act upon your thoughts. Make that connection to get started. Go to the store and get the supplies. Whatever it takes to get your idea going, do it.

It doesn’t have to be perfect. No one starts out perfect. All you need is the focus to be consistent with your work. Opportunities will start to come and you’ll need to be ready to take them on and find a way to help it manifest.

Always have something to do, other than going to school or work. Don’t be too lazy with your downtime. This is where you do what you want to do and see your goals into reality. If you knew you would be gone a year from now, what goals would you work on?

Begin acting upon your goals. As they say, “Rome wasn’t built in a day.” Dedicate some time everyday to your work. You don’t know when your time is going to be up, so work like there is no tomorrow.

On the other hand, what if you’re here until you’re 98? If you haven’t done anything with your time by then, you’ll have to live with the regret of not doing anything with your life that you wanted to do. Living with regret is like self-torture. Your mind will be filled with ‘what-if’ questions and you’ll think about all of the time you passed up, doing absolutely nothing.

We don’t know how much time we have left. The entire point is to live a life that fulfills you. Be able to leave a legacy or at least a story to tell. Accomplish those goals that were in your head. It may lead to an adventurous life that your grandkids would love to tell their friends. Don’t leave your grandkids (or this life) without a story. Start now.

Don’t Worry, Be Happy

People need different things to get them going. Some use vision boards, music, or meditation. All of these things are awesome to use when it comes to having a productive life. Who wants to wake up every morning, thinking negative thoughts?

Surprisingly, some people do like to start their day off with negative thoughts. I’ve seen people who find something to worry about, first thing in the morning. It’s like their day won’t be right, unless they worry or fret over something.

We all have a choice. I don’t know where this habit of having bad thoughts about ourselves comes from, but it needs to stop. When you get up in the morning, own the day ahead of you. Reading horoscopes and allowing it to affect you is not the way to go.

Be your own horoscope. Tell yourself, “Today will be an awesome day and I will do my best to make it so!” Why not? It’s better than worrying about nothing or expecting bad stuff to happen. Stress and anxiety are real, but it doesn’t need to happen, just because you can’t think happy thoughts. You CAN think happy thoughts.

It’s your life, make it worth living. Do something different. Talk to a stranger. Pay it forward. Do a random act of kindness. Buy a homeless person a meal. Make your life worth living.

Yes, there will be days where it won’t go as awesome as you want it to go, but put things in perspective. If you, your family, or friends aren’t dead or extremely sick, life is good. You can handle and can get over anything else.

Stop making things worse than they really are. Your thoughts are yours and you can think anyway you want to. Everyday is a good day. You have the ability to think forward or backward. Don’t beat yourself up. You deserve to make your life into whatever you want it to be, so don’t let anyone stop you with their negative thoughts.

In conclusion, don’t worry, be happy 🙂


Have you ever been sitting in traffic at the red light, and all of a sudden, you hear someone honking their horn at you, screaming, “Go!” You jump out of your daydream and immediately start driving.

This is how we should be with our goals. Instead of waiting on when we get the next check, or when we lose twenty pounds, or a host of other excuses, we should just go and do it.

I’m honking my virtual horn at you – Go!

A Baby Will Give You Awesome Work Ethic

As a mom, I recognize that we are, by far, the super humans of the world. No matter what culture or continent we live on, we take care of anything that crosses our path. Not only is it good for the baby for us to be super human, but it’s also good for our goals and other areas of our lives. You might not realize this, but a baby will give you awesome work ethic.

The “After the Baby” theory states that we become super human after the baby is born. Yes, we are awesome prior to the baby’s arrival, but afterwards, the baby forces us to have new, super abilities that we’ve never had before (or we didn’t think we had).

There’s a new life to begin once the baby arrives. Everyone thinks the baby is cute and precious. Once all the compliments subside, something happens.

The baby starts doing things you’re not used to (not unless you grew up with a baby in the house before this experience). The crying and the feedings and ‘hold me’ and all kinds of demands. As a good mom, you don’t think, you just handle it.

You begin to see that you’re letting things go a little. The house is not as clean, the laundry is piling up, and you haven’t had a good night’s sleep since before the birth.

This is the moment we never realize until someone tells us: you, mom, are about to become super human. You never thought there was a such thing as a two-minute shower or doing three things at once, successfully. Before the baby, things like that seemed impossible, but now, you do it like a pro! Powers you never knew you had. When the baby naps, you figure out a way to move the world, because you have to. You’ll soon find out that babies don’t like excuses.

Your super powers continue on through life. You do it all. If you have to go down for a sick day, nothing is the same. That’s when everyone recognizes what you do and wonder how you do it, flawlessly. Dad can try, but it’s nothing compared to the way mom does it.

This is the type of productivity we should have all the time. In order to get our goals done, we should act like there’s a crying baby, demanding our attention. Do you know how much you can get done before the baby wakes up? That’s how focused we should be, working towards our goals. Preparation, organization, time management – all of these life characteristics that help you towards your goal, comes from being a mom.

This theory can work for anyone. If you want to get the full experience, spend a couple of days with a baby. That project you thought would take two months to finish, will be done in two days. There’s no such thing as wasted time when it comes to being a mom. Everything must get done. It may be hard at times, but it’s truly one of the best gifts a baby could give a mom – the ability to do it all and to do it well!

It Takes Time

Get rich quick does not exist. There may have been some lucky people who’ve stumbled into a financial fortune, but achieving your goal and getting money is a process. Processes take time to develop and time to work.

We all have seen it. The ‘get rich quick’ schemes that pops up whenever you’re planning your life’s goals. People say, “If you just do this, you can have six figures!” What they don’t tell you is how long it’ll take. The many rejections and adjustments that had to be made. You can do it, too, but it’s going to take more than a few weeks.

Some of us do the ‘get rich quick’ scheme and discover that this is not what it seems to be. Yes, this person has made six figures with doing social media ads, but it doesn’t happen overnight. After two weeks of waiting for it to pop off, we quit. You wasted your money and on top of all of that, you’re mad that it didn’t work as quickly as you thought it would.

You, and everybody else, can get to six figures with social media ads (or other ideas), but it takes time. The person you saw on social media who claims to have made six figures from doing ads may have that type of money, but they didn’t tell you that it took them three years of consistency and dedication to get those six figures. All they said was that you could do it, too. You only saw the end result of their journey to six figures. The internet has sped things up, but not like that.

Whatever it is you want to do, you can make great money. Just know that it takes time. There are those rare instances when someone does something out of the ordinary and makes quick money, but in most cases, it’s going to take some late nights and early mornings for it to happen. Start now and build upon what you want to do. Don’t stop after three weeks, keep moving forward and stick with it. If you have the persistence to push through and the hard work to keep at it, your end result could be beyond what you initially thought.

It takes time. Do it and stick with it.

Things Change – Change Things

Get used to change. It happens. People make it seem so bad when something doesn’t go the way they expect it to. All you need to do is learn how to be flexible and change with it.

Change can be good. Some of us change our minds and that’s fine. What you shouldn’t do, is be indecisive. That’s a different story. If you change your mind because something isn’t working out and you know of a better way, by all means, change it – that’s not an issue. It becomes an issue when you are indecisive and can’t make up your mind over something simple (i.e., red shirt or blue shirt). That wastes time and mental energy. You have better things to think about.

Be open to doing different things. Practice by changing things yourself. Take another route to the grocery store. Buy some shoes you wouldn’t normally buy and see how they feel. Doing different things allows you to see what you really like or what could possibly happen. It helps to expand your thinking and breaks you out of your regular routine. It’s good to have a schedule to go by, but every now and then, be spontaneous and change it up. You never know who you might meet or where you might land. It could change your life.

When something changes, learn to go with it. By complaining and wishing it didn’t happen, it does nothing for you or the situation. Don’t get stuck just because it happened. Sometimes you can do something about it and sometimes you can’t. Figure it out and move on.

Stay open and flexible. Things change. Go with it and see where it takes you. Whether it turns out good or bad, I guarantee, you will learn something in the end.

“…But Did You Finish?”

“…But did you finish?” That’s all that counts. No one cares about what happened right before you walked out of the door, or even how you almost hit a cat – all that matters is “…did you finish?”

It may sound a little harsh, but all of the small talk is just a distraction. For those who are driven to get things done, whether they’re on a schedule or not, it’s important. If you are going to come up with excuses or reasons why it didn’t get done, then get off the train. Don’t waste people’s time by saying you can do it and then you don’t do it for some small, insignificant reason.

This separates the great people from the okay people. Great and okay people don’t hang with each other, because they have different perspectives on their goals. Great people will get things done, no matter what. They will find a way to make it happen. Time is an important asset to great people. The only thing that matters is forward movement and progress.

Okay people are more relaxed. They don’t see the issue with being consumed by time. They think, “There’s always tomorrow.” There is no urgency in what they do, even when it counts. Okay people will put things off until it is eventually forgotten. Finishing is not a priority to them.

There will come a time in life when you will have to complete what you do. Putting things off, especially if it is a goal, is a bad habit to develop. Get in the rhythm of doing. Don’t over think it or wonder what will happen if you don’t do it, just go ahead and do it. See how far you get with interruptions, distractions, and constant procrastinating. Be productive and get it done – you’ll end up in a much better space, physically and mentally.


What will you be doing in the next five years? Some people can’t see past today, but that’s no excuse. Use your imagination to create your future and see it through into reality.

This is what vision is all about. The power of thought can enhance your vision. You know you can do anything you want to do, right? Don’t be afraid to think it and see it in your mind. No matter how bad things are now, you have the ability to change it. In the age of the internet, anything is possible.

Visualize what you want to be, how much money you want to carry in your pocket, the city you’ll live in, the type of work you’ll be doing, and anything else you can imagine. Get rid of those self-limiting beliefs that you have and believe in yourself. Be that person who crushes that negative voice in your head and develop a way to make your goals happen. There’s no one stopping you.

You can meditate on your vision. You can make a vision board. If you can think, you can have a vision. Everyone gets to come up with their very own story of their life. All you have to do is follow through and live it. It may be full of twists and turns, but no one’s dream is a straight line, fulfilled in a day. Live that adventure and see where it takes you.

Be detailed with your vision and see how it will eventually play out. “I want to be a lawyer,” is a good start. After you take some time to really visualize it, it should sound something like this: “I want to be the number one real estate lawyer in the city of Wayne, Nebraska, driving a blue motorcycle, living in a condo with a balcony, and a doggie park within 2 miles, even though I don’t own a dog…” The more detailed, the more adventurous you can create your life to be. That’s vision!

So don’t be hesitant, just because it sounds ‘crazy’ to invent your own life in your mind. You have to see it, before you can be it. Some things may happen by chance, but for the rest of the time, visualize what you want and do whatever it takes to get there.