When people make you mad, some of us have a tendency to hold a grudge. We may not want to help them in the future or we exclude them from other important events in our lives. This may end up hurting you more in the end, than it hurts them.
It takes energy to hold a grudge. Let’s say you loaned a friend $50 and the friend never payed you back. You end up holding a grudge, because this person didn’t pay you back. Depending on your financial circumstances, you may not even really need the money, but it’s the principle. You’re mad at them. You see them in the mall, you don’t say anything. You see them at your cousin’s birthday party, you don’t say anything. You see them at the PTA meeting, you don’t say anything. You don’t say anything, rightfully so, but at the same time, is it worth your energy? You’re giving up your power, just thinking about it and getting mad. You’re exerting energy trying to avoid them and by talking about it to your spouse or another friend.
There are a couple of ways we can solve this, because it’s not worth your mental energy, especially when you could be focused and building on your work. One way is to talk to your friend and tell them how it made you feel. Yes, this interaction could make the situation better or worse, but at least you will get it off of your chest. After talking it out, hopefully, you’ll have some peace of mind, even if you still don’t get the money back. At least you know who NOT to lend money to anymore.
The second way to solve this is by simply letting it go. This is very difficult to do, but it’s either letting it go or losing your sanity. This is the type of thing that will keep you up at night if you don’t decide to let it go. I’ve been in this situation before and the moment I let it go, I felt so much better – it’s like I gained my life back. I was able to be happy and live again! Every time I saw this person, it was just like she was a stranger to me. Strangers have no effect on your life, because you don’t know them.
I know it’s hard to take the high road sometimes, but you will have to do it at some pint in your life. Someone has to be the bigger person. Something this small could take over your life and leave you a bitter person, who’s not fun to be around. In the end, you have to ask yourself: is it really worth it? Don’t hold grudges. You’re only holding yourself prisoner, while the other person goes on with their life. Talk it out or let it go.