Working towards your goals can be time consuming. Those late nights and early mornings will catch up to you after a while. You may be so deep into your work, you forget to take a break, but it’s important to take some time for yourself.
To make your dream possible, you have to put in discipline, focus and a tremendous amount of time. If you have a regular job, it makes it even harder to go into that ‘hustle’ phase, after and before work each day.
Take some time for yourself. Whether it’s a vacation or a day or two around town, taking the time to decompress is just as important as working your butt off to make things happen.
When you step away from the work, you allow yourself the space to relax. You’ve been ‘on’ for so long that it’s become a habit. That’s a good habit to have when you’re working on reaching your goals, but you need to look up every once in a while and take a breather.
Your time is valuable, so when you decide to take a break, make it count.
Get a massage, go see a movie or take a long drive to nowhere. Leave your cell phone at home and take a digital vacation. Tell everyone you’re on a break and you’ll reconnect with them at a certain time. Give your mind a rest so when you get back to your goals, you’ll be refreshed and full of new ideas.
Yes, the other gurus will tell you to never let up and keep going because there’s always someone else trying to take your spot. Trust me, even the gurus take a break. It’s not productive to continuously wear yourself down and expect awesome results. You’ll get better results by pacing your work with your down time.
The mistake a lot of people make is, they take a break and that’s it. They never go back to working on their goals. Their break is permanent. That doesn’t work, at all. You don’t want to take a permanent break, you just want to take some well deserved time to regroup and come back stronger, mentally and physically. Have a binge day on Netflix if you want, just be sure to get back to work.
When you work hard, you allow yourself the privilege to play hard. Don’t cheat yourself by constantly being in hustle mode all of the time. It doesn’t work that way. Take a break and you will be more productive than before!