Why does something so simple, seem so hard to do? It is simple to do, but it’s the only thing that’s holding you back from actually making progress.
Sometimes, the simplest thing can be the hardest to do. It’s easy to overlook doing something, especially when it doesn’t take much to do it.
You know what to do and how to do it, but it doesn’t get done. This is where your mind begins to take over – thinking about other things become more important and your attention is gone.
Your Wandering Mind
Although you are in control of your thoughts, your mind has a mind of it’s own. As crazy as that seems, it’s true.
Have you ever thought about doing something, but before you know it, you’re on to thinking about something else? That’s what happens when you really don’t want to do it. It needs to be done, but you conveniently think about something else to keep from doing it.
Take control of your thoughts. The only time you can accomplish anything is in the present moment. If you are unable to do it at the same time you’re thinking about it, write it down and be sure to come back to it later – keep it simple.
This is where focus comes in. Focusing allows you to follow through on what you’re doing. Sometimes, we have the ‘shiny object syndrome, where something else steals our attention and distracts us and our mind wanders towards it.
Concentrate on what’s in front of you and take action on it now. You can not work in the future, nor the past. You can only do it now.
Emotions Can Cause Overthinking
When you think about doing things, especially things you don’t want to do, you attach your emotions to it. Once you attach your emotions to it, more than likely, it won’t get done.
The thing that needs to be done isn’t bad, it’s the feelings you connect with it. Your emotions will take it to another level and you end up not doing anything.
For example, if it’s time to cut the grass, you could just to do it because it needs to be done. What happens is you begin to attach feelings to it, like: “I’m going to be too tired – it’s hot outside – it’ll be too late when I get home…”
All of these negative feelings will guide you towards doing something else, or nothing at all. Making up convenient excuses doesn’t help when it’s time to get things done.
Analysis Paralysis
Doing research is great. In fact, you should always do research before jumping into anything, but the issue becomes taking in too much information.
When learning something new, the best way to learn it, is to do it. Yes, do your research, but get in the habit of starting as soon as possible.
Most of us get stuck in the cycle of information. We think we don’t know enough (or we could know more) and we dive into that rabbit hole. Before you know it, months have gone by and you haven’t taken any action on anything.
It’s called analysis paralysis. You consume more and more information, to the point where action doesn’t happen – doing the research takes over doing the action.
Again, keep it simple. Do enough research to start. The learning takes place in the doing. Analysis paralysis can deter your growth, but it’s up to you to know when to stop gathering more information and go out and take a step towards making it happen.
Be Simple, Like A Robot
Don’t attach your emotions to anything. If you want to do something, be in the moment and do it.
Your mind is such a powerful tool, it can talk you into being your best, or being lazy. The funny thing is, you hold the advantage! Without anyone telling you, you can think and believe what you want.
Other people can influence what you think, but ultimately, it’s up to you. Remove your emotions from the picture and do what needs to be done.
Most of all, be and act in the present. There is nothing that can be done about the past, nor the future – you can only act in the moment. You create anxiety and stress when you dwell on the past and the future. The past is gone and the future hasn’t happened yet. Focus on now!
Think about the end goal, but your focus should be on the process, because the process is what’s happening at this very moment and it will carry you to your intended result.
Be so focused that you have no time for your emotions to creep in and create doubt. Overthinking is the death of progress. Know where you’re going, but be disciplined enough to be present and take action.
Keep it simple.