Some of us are resisting life. We’re fighting against opportunities and greatness. Things are so comfortable, we don’t want to “rock the boat” or make any changes to how things are going.
Everyday, there’s some form of holding back that we do. Whether it’s big or small, it’s imperative that we learn to handle it, so it doesn’t become (or continue to be) the norm.
Exactly What Are You Resisting?
Resistance is procrastination, making excuses, limiting yourself, avoiding responsibility, taking the easy way out…need I go on?
There’s something inside of you that wants the best – we all have it. The only thing that stops us is fear and fear embodies an entire list of negative traits.
When you resist, you fall into complacency. Being a disciplined and focused hard worker is a joke. Everyone around you laughs at others who have good work ethic, because “why do you want to work so hard?”
While you were busy saying no to every once in a lifetime chance and ignoring how to improve yourself, all of the thoughts and emotions turned into negative energy inside your body and your mind. It all has to go somewhere. You’ll see it in your body, the way you speak, how you treat others and most of all, how you truly see yourself. When you decide to be a better person, you have to face all of the crap that you put yourself through.
Resistance will feel normal after you become used to it. Nothing will frustrate you or embarrass you anymore, because you’ve crawled to the lowest level of your own existence. You know it, but you don’t want to admit it to yourself.
That’s where the real work comes in.
Change = Growth
Once you’ve accepted the fact that you haven’t been living your best life, you’ll want to change. One of the first things you should do is change your environment.
The type of people you hang around counts for a lot. If you are around five lazy people, chances are, you’re the sixth. Everyone has a place in your life, so upgrade your circle to a group of ambitious people. You can still hang out with your lazy friends, just not everyday.
Soon, you’ll begin to experience your mind making a shift. When you see others around you being productive, you’ll fall into the same habit. You were never productive before because your lazy friends didn’t allow it. It was “more cool” to be stagnant and useless.
Your environment can do wonders when overcoming your battle with resistance. Being around the right people will show you that you can make it happen. Ideas become reality when you’re around the right people.
Another way to stop resisting is to do the hard things. It’s not supposed to be easy. Whatever you need to improve upon, set aside some time to focus on it each day. Show yourself that you are worthy of becoming your ideal self that you created in your mind.
The world will judge you, people will point and laugh, you’ll be embarrassed, things will fall apart – everything that can go wrong, will. Don’t let fear and complacency make you resist the change. In order to grow, you must make adjustments. Nothing new will develop if you don’t make room for change.
It’s Up To You
Do you want your life to pass you by and have nothing to look back on? Are you willing to be a coward now, only to face regret in your old age?
Be adventurous and take the leap! You may fall flat on your face, but at least you’ll know what happened. If you keep going, you find that you won’t fall as much and you’ll have many exciting stories to tell.
This is what happens when we stop resisting. Life opens up and we encounter the full spectrum of who we can become. We tend to want a life that requires no effort or strife, but that’s what builds you – don’t let resistance beat you at your own life. Expect change (because it will happen) and challenge it whenever you encounter it.