Please understand that you are more than you think you are. Your potential is so wide and deep, you will never reach the end of it. Don’t sell yourself short – you are not average.
Some people get tired and they stop. Others get tired and they rest, but they continue on. That’s what above average people do. Life happens and they find a way to regain their focus and persevere.
Yes, it’s hard. That’s what separates the average from those who are above average. It’s not supposed to be easy. Put in the effort and it won’t be an issue. Decide that it’s hard while you’re doing it, not before you start.
You have been given the biggest opportunity. This opportunity allows you to grow as much as you want to. Or, you could be lazy and relax as much as you want to. The opportunity for growth is offered everyday. Those that take advantage of this opportunity will likely see success, while others watch them become successful.
Technology has made many opportunities more accessible to everyone today. There are free online classes, motivational speeches, and other resources that were unimaginable twenty years ago. It’s all at our fingertips, but even some will find that it’s too much to do.
Don’t be average. Everyone else can be average, but you know that you have the power to create an incredible mindset and to use it daily. Your mindset is what differentiates you from the average person. Commit to harnessing that power every chance you get.
No matter what happens, always move forward. Eliminate the distractions and work your way towards your goals. Yes, it may take some time and figuring things out, but you have the mind to do it. Let others be passive about their goals (if they have any), but don’t let them convince you that you’re doing too much.
They will be critical of your achievements. They will talk about your level of commitment as if it is the worst thing in the world. They can’t stand the thought of you outgrowing your surroundings. They will pull you back every chance they get.
You must go on. You have to go, so you can grow. You have to increase your level of commitment in order to perform better. You have to work hard and smart to stay two steps ahead. You must embrace your opportunities and challenges on a daily basis. You must meet your success.
So no, don’t be average – average is what everybody else does. You are unique and will live your life the way you imagine it. To do this, you must continue your fight to be above average.