Personal accountability is when you hold your actions to the highest standard. Your desire for success pushes you to hold yourself accountable. You need no one to remind or tell you what to do, in order to become a person of excellence.
If you don’t hold yourself accountable for your actions, who is holding you accountable? Does it make sense that someone else is responsible for what you do?
Your ‘Accountability Partner’
Whenever people begin something new, accountability partners always come into play. Does it help? It might, but at the same time, we’re all adults.
Let’s say you have an exercise partner and you hold each other accountable for exercising 5 days a week. The agreement is made and you begin.
Everything starts out fine and then, one day, your partner says she had a very hard day and she just can’t do it. You let her off the hook, just because she asked.
This becomes a habit for the both of you, because if you let her off the hook one day, now, she owes you the same privilege. Before you know it, 5 days a week has shrunk down to once a week.
That Didn’t Work
Now, you’re both still out of shape and talking about getting it together. It doesn’t work that way.
When you have an accountability partner, the point is for the other person to hold your feet to the fire, not to let you get away with silly excuses.
This is where a change needs to happen. If you don’t trust anyone else, TRUST YOURSELF. Have the courage to perform and get the desired results that you want.
The Disconnect
The excuse that we tell the most is, “I don’t have time,” or “I don’t feel like it.”
These may seem like valid excuses, but it’s not enough reason to stop, altogether.
Time is always there. If you’re unable to find time within your regular day, get up earlier or stay up later. Problem solved.
On the other hand, you control your emotions and your mind. There are plenty of times where you won’t ‘feel like’ doing something, but you need to get up and break through that wall.
We’ve become out of shape because we don’t ‘feel like’ exercising. We’ve become accustomed to instant gratification because we don’t ‘feel like’ waiting that long.
Whatever the case may be, you are worthy of self-improvement! Stop being lazy and push that train!
The 1 Thing You Need to Hold Yourself Accountable…
All you need to hold yourself accountable is a mirror. If you don’t have a mirror (because I can hear someone saying, “what if I don’t have a mirror?”), take a selfie.
Hold yourself accountable. Don’t leave your personal progress in someone else’s hands. If you didn’t exercise today, you let yourself down!
It’s an entirely different story when you let yourself down. If I don’t exercise when I’m supposed to, it nags my mind for the rest of the day.
If someone asks me, “How was your run?” I give them some lousy excuse as to why I didn’t do it. They go on about their day, without thinking twice about it.
I go on with my day and that excuse constantly replays in the back of mind. The time I spent debating if I should exercise, I could’ve done it already.
I know that feeling and I don’t like it. Therefore, I push myself to do it and I feel so much better after I’m done and I can move on with a clear and productive mind for the rest of the day.
Hold Yourself Accountable
Hold yourself accountable. Other people will let you down. They’re not as concerned about your success as you are.
Personal accountability is where you connect with your true self. If you want that result, like you say you do, you’ll meet the challenge of making it happen.
No excuse will stop you from achieving your desired result.