The world is full of possibilities and attainable opportunities. The internet has made it easier for us to believe in our dreams coming true – or has it?
We think, “If only I had x, then I could do y.” Not too long ago, we could easily blame our circumstances for not completing a goal – we didn’t have access to resources that could help us win.
Now, we do have more information and access than we could’ve ever imagined. Yet, we still find little things to stop us from making progress. Why do we think so small?
We live in a world where we are free to think and make a way for our ideas to come alive. At the same time, we allow the tiniest obstacles to stop us.
Before the internet, we didn’t have resources at our fingertips. If you wanted to do some research, you had to physically go to the library, or to a building that held the information you were looking for. Now, everything is online.
If it’s easier to obtain what we’re looking for, why is it that we’re still having trouble following through with our goals?
It Starts In The Mind
Whether you have resources at your immediate disposal or you have to get in a car and drive 30 minutes to retrieve information, it all starts in your mind.
It’s easy to say, “Oh, that’s too far – it’s raining – I don’t have enough gas to get there…”. Excuses are easy to come by. Persistence is what actually carries you to the point of completion.
No matter how difficult or easy something is to accomplish, your mind is the director of your actions. It may be simple to retrieve information nowadays, but the excuses are still there.
Some people will create new excuses, even if their situation was made easier for them to make progress. Making things harder than they really are is a trick being played from your mind. In some cases, the more access you have to make progress, the more excuses are made to impede your progress.
Thinking Small
Thinking small is easy. It doesn’t require any effort or extra pulling or pushing.
When you think big, you have to create a plan, overcome obstacles, have discipline and develop resilience. A lot of people don’t possess these qualities and that’s why they continue to think small.
Just because the internet made things easier, doesn’t mean the goal is any easier to achieve. You may not have to go to the library to do research, but following through is still an action you must take.
“You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink.”
No matter how much of an advantage we have with obtaining resources, it doesn’t matter until you take action. The only difference is, you save time with doing the research.
There are greater things we can do beyond what our minds can think. Don’t get stuck in the habit of thinking small – there are people out there who are making the impossible possible, all because they decided to follow through, challenges and all, and made it happen.
Never underestimate the power of thinking big. As Marianne Williamson wrote, “…your playing small does not serve the world…”. Don’t be your own worst enemy – think past your fear and get your ideas out to the world!