Staying focused on the bigger picture can be a challenge, especially when you’re working with inconsiderate people. Not only does it impair progress, but it can put others on the team in a difficult situation.
When I was in grade school, I use to absolutely hate it when teachers would make us work in groups.
They would never allow us to pick our own groups, because the good kids would all be in a group and the bad kids just didn’t care.
There was a perfectly good reason for that: as the good kids, we knew we would all put in 100% effort and fully participate.
The teachers would pair the good kids with the bad kids and the bad kids never did anything. They wouldn’t do their assigned tasks and sometimes, they wouldn’t even sit with the group. This was an easy “A” for them.
The Dilemma
Even as good kids, we understood that the teachers wanted our habits to hopefully rub off on the bad kids, but it never, ever, ever happened that way.
What do you do? Do you prove a point and not do any work because everybody in your group didn’t participate, or do you do ALL of the work, for the sake of your own grade?
It Happens That Way, Sometimes
Seeing the bigger picture, which is the final grade, the good kids always ended up doing the group work themselves.
It sucks. It’s unfair, unexcusable, unreasonable, wrong – it’s all of those things and more, but the truth is, it happens that way, sometimes.
When we go to school or work, sometimes, we let other people’s faulty actions carry over into our attitude. We’re mad because they didn’t clean up the table in the break room or it ticks us off because they never participate in group work.
Most of the time, it isn’t your fault. You did what you were supposed to do, but everybody doesn’t have the same consideration that you have for others.
Take One For The Team
Again, it sucks, but there are times when you have to take one for the team. When you fail to see the bigger picture or the intended result, it only hurts you.
The inconsiderate person doesn’t care, but if you care, this is not the time to teach a lesson or prove a point. Even if you did want to prove a point, you’d be angry because you know that you could’ve done better.
This is the time to do everything you can to reach the intended result, even if it is a ‘free ride’ for someone else. Don’t fall for the distraction.
Will the other team members eventually learn to be more accommodating and attentive to those around them? Maybe, maybe not, but you have to look out for number one – you are your responsibility.
Don’t let things around you fall apart, because someone else didn’t put in any effort. Life is unfair, but you must continue to do your best – you wouldn’t want to miss out on your opportunity because of someone else.
Although it is a tough lesson to learn, it’s for the best. Don’t give up your power so easily. In the end, your work will not go unnoticed.