We spend our lives waiting on things to happen at the right time. Although obstacles occur at the worst possible moment, there are some things we can take responsibility for, so we can improve certain situations as we move forward.
People have their own challenges that they are fighting through. Waiting for help or for someone to save you is counterproductive. You can either waste time and wait, or spend it wisely and make your own progress.
Procrastination Is Hesitation
Procrastination presents itself in many different forms. Just about anything negative comes from, or leads to procrastination.
“I’ll do it Monday – I’m too tired – it’s raining…” are examples of the excuses we give ourselves to put things off. Some may be valid reasons, but for the most part, we’re justifying our laziness by creating convenient explanations, so we won’t have to follow through.
Making excuses makes us feel better – we don’t have to think any further or take any specific action at that moment. The excuse allows you to procrastinate and put off opportunities that may have been on the horizon.
There are times where you’re certainly unable to do something at that very moment – this a reason, more so than an excuse. When you have a reason, it’s not a challenge to you because you know you’ll do it. An excuse is wiping something off of your plate, just to move on to something else or to prevent taking action due to fear.
Instead of putting it out of your mind and depending on your brain to remind you later (later never comes), set a deadline. “I’ll start Monday” can happen, but only if you begin to prepare to begin on that day. Don’t lie to yourself – make a decent effort to follow through and start.
Don’t Wait, Make It Happen
Waiting for something to happen is completely out of your control. Who are you waiting for? What if it never happens?
Other people may or may not have your best interest at heart, but that doesn’t matter. You are responsible for what you can control and that’s the bottom line.
Depending on the system (or anyone else) to come through for you is unreliable. Take people’s concern for you with a grain of salt. Don’t be disappointed if they aren’t there for you – it’s not their responsibility.
Taking control of your habits allows you to direct the outcome of your life. If you eat a balanced diet, you’re moving towards better health. Other factors may be involved, but you are pointing yourself in the right direction to get the best results. Waiting on a new diet fad won’t help you now.
Even through all of the mistakes, obstacles and setbacks, you can always go back to the drawing board and enhance your strategy. If there’s a possibility for you to make it better, do it. Giving up or moving forward is your choice.
It’s better to be prepared than it is to wait on someone or something to help you. When going through certain situations, think 5 steps ahead. Prepare for what might happen, so you can be ready to take care of it. As they say, you must stay ready, so you won’t have to get ready.
Be proactive with your life. Make that phone call, walk that lap, save ten dollars – it doesn’t matter what it is. Build the habit, put action towards it and get the ball rolling. If you’re unable to control the circumstances, do your best and move on to what you can control. It’s better to go ahead and start, than it is to procrastinate by waiting on someone else.
Success Waits For No One
Some people wait on the right time and place for magic to happen in their lives. This doesn’t work because they’ll be waiting forever. Do what you can and stop making excuses to start.
Own your future. Whatever happens, take responsibility for it and move on with a positive plan. Success doesn’t just happen to anybody – you have to make it happen. Give it a push, adjust it along the way and the opportunities will come. When they do, you’ll be ready because you didn’t wait.