If you can make a decision, you can be unstoppable. Most times, what keeps us stuck is being indecisive and being indecisive will take years off of your life.
What are you afraid of? What holds you back from discovering your potential? If ‘bad’ decisions wasn’t a factor, what would you do?
Make The Decision Simple
Whether it’s an easy decision, or a difficult decision, you must learn to be at peace with what you decide. We often torture ourselves mentally by trying to come up with the ‘right’ answer.
If you look at a situation as black or white, yes or no, left or right, it should be easy, but this is where some of us get stuck.
When making a decision, make it as simple as possible. Yes, something may happen that you didn’t want to happen as a result, but don’t beat yourself up over it. Learn the lesson and move on.
Don’t Let It Become A Distraction
Some decisions may call for deep thought, but even then, it should be made simple and plain. Know that whatever you decide is okay and it’s not the end of the world.
You are making the best choice possible. If something happens unexpectedly as a result, all you can do is turn around and do it better the next time.
Don’t get hung up on how you should’ve known better, or how you didn’t have all the facts – justifying a bad decision won’t change the outcome. Being hard on yourself doesn’t enhance your decision-making skills.
Get used to narrowing down your options. Too many details can cloud your thinking and cause further confusion. Focus on what’s important and how it will affect you.
You’ll Make The Wrong Decision
Our decisions are not perfect. All of the choices we make won’t lead us in the right direction, but nevertheless, you should learn from it.
If you make the wrong decision, don’t be hard on yourself – it happens to everyone. See it as an opportunity to learn what to do next time.
Sometimes, the wrong decision can lead you on an unexpected adventure. Things could possibly turn out better than if you would’ve made the right decision. Either way, accept it and make the best of it.
The Responsibility Is Yours
When things don’t turn out the way we want them to, our first instinct is to blame someone or something else.
Blaming others only makes things worse, because now, the focus has been shifted to pointing the finger at someone else. It becomes difficult to move on when everyone is trying to find the right person to blame.
When you claim responsibility, it gives the situation closure and it gives direction. You may not want to accept the blame, but sometimes, it’s just necessary in order for everyone to move forward.
Instead of worrying about making the right decision, just make a decision. Don’t waste time thinking about it for too long, or else you’ll look up and it’ll be next week.
Trust yourself and know that you have your best interest at heart. Even if it’s not what you expected, take responsibility for it and do better the next time around.