Maintaining A Desire To Grow

Maintaining A Desire To Grow

When you change your perspective, you grow. The reason why some people have a boring, uneventful life is because they’re scared to say ‘yes’ to anything different.

There are people who seem to live such an epic life, but were they lucky or did they keep an open mind and take advantage of the many opportunities? What does it take to grow and lead a fulfilling life?

Grow With Your Mistakes

We all make mistakes – the real question is, do we learn from them?

Most people have been brainwashed into thinking that making a mistake is detrimental. They’re afraid of the embarrassment and negative labels that may come with it. This is what stops them from improving and moving forward.

Let’s make it clear – you never may a mistake, you learn. When you own your mistake, you learn how to take a different route, how to go about it differently and most of all, what NOT to do the next time.

Some people will make a mistake and point the finger at someone else, simply because they don’t want the criticism that may come with it. Owning your mistake and taking that responsibility means you’re making progress. It’s impossible to gain any ground if you’re constantly finding fault and placing blame.

It’s a process that requires determination to see it through to completion. Think of anyone who has reached their goal, whether big or small – they wouldn’t have been successful without learning from their mistakes. In order to learn from your mistakes, you have to own them and grow.

Try New Things

Another way to enhance your desire to grow is to try new things. Doing something new every once in a while pushes your boundaries for learning and opens up a new world for you.

People who never want to try anything limit themselves. Understandably, you shouldn’t attempt to do every single thing that you come across, but when you avoid everything, you cut off your potential.

It doesn’t mean to walk a tightrope at 100 feet in the air for the first time, but maybe try it at 3 feet. Maybe you’ll like it, maybe you won’t, but at least you’ll know because you made an attempt.

Simple things, like taking a new route to work, trying different food or writing with your opposite hand can exercise your brain. There are many things you can do everyday that will open your eyes to a new (and possibly better) process.

Expand Your Thinking

Is there a right way to think? The wrong way to think is to think you know it all and close yourself off to other people’s suggestions or opinions.

There are some people who haven’t read a book since high school or who have never traveled to another country. When the opportunity presents itself, their first reaction is always ‘no’. This promotes passive behavior, which leads to a closed mind.

Instead of always having your staunch opinion, try thinking from the other side. It doesn’t mean you agree, it just shows that you have the ability to think on another level.

The more you expand your thinking, the more you’ll learn. Your desire to grow will increase and you’ll gain more knowledge about different things in the process. Never be afraid to think strategically or from another angle.

Your Adventure Starts Now

Life is all about growth. When you’re born, you don’t stay a baby forever – you grow everyday. It’s the same concept with maintaining your desire to grow. Your capacity to learn is enormous, but you have to activate that curiosity, which can lead to amazing things.

Overall, take the time to explore new places and new people. It’s okay to say ‘yes’ to something new. It doesn’t mean you lose or you wasted time if you don’t like it – it means that you were open enough to see what it does, how it works and if you would possibly like it.

Create your life by maintaining your desire to grow. When all is said and done, you will have discovered an adventure that was worth living!

How To Mind What You Think

How To Mind What You Think

Your mind is an amazing tool. When used properly, it can make some of the most incredible things happen – that’s just how powerful it is.

Take a look around you – everything that you see came from a seed of thought in someone’s mind. From the book you’re reading to the chair you’re sitting in, it all started in the mind of a determined person.

The mind can also be tricky. Some people come up with devastating ideas and put them out into the world. As you can see, it can be used in a constructive or destructive manner.

How Do You Think?

Most times, we allow our mind to run rampant. We take in so much stimuli every second, that we become unaware of the things we’re taking in.

The way you think can lead you to certain results. Exactly, where do you want to go? What do you want to do? These are the questions you need to ask yourself in order to produce the type of day (or life) you want.

Getting to your goals takes the right mindset. If your mind is clouded with distractions and resistance, it can be difficult to push through the mess to any type of achievement. Like a diet, you must feed your mind the right thoughts to get the maximum outcome you want.

Of course, you can only control so much of what goes on around you, but the good thing is, you can control how to respond.

What’s In Your Control?

Your environment may not be as positive as you want it to be, but it’s not the end all, be all. There are certain things you can do to control what goes into your mind.

From the music you listen to, to the images you see on TV and the information you read/see on social media, it all has an effect on your brain, which has an effect on your productivity.

With technology, we are bombarded with so much information at one time, it has become distracting. If you’re not careful, it can make you a master procrastinator. You become so interested in someone else’s life, you forget about living your own.

There’s access to positive information, but you have to tune into it. Celebrity gossip, the news and even social media influencers (hence the word, “influence”) have one thing in common – they want to grab your attention.

What grabs attention? Negativity and negativity produces procrastination.

Creating Your Mindset

All of these negative mediums make it possible for you to become distracted in under a few seconds – that’s all it takes to hook your attention. They make it even harder to look away.

Before you know it, you’ll look up and half the day has gone by and you weren’t productive at all. Where did the time go?

It’s important to plan out what you listen to and what you see. There are many ways you can feed your mind in order to be more productive with your day.

As the saying goes, “garbage in, garbage out”. Whatever your mind takes in, it’s likely to give you the same output. There’s a better chance of you being more productive if you don’t scroll through social media every chance you get.

Even though your mind can be easily distracted, you can create ways to become more focused. What you put into your mind at certain times will allow you to be effective with your work and habits.

By limiting your “garbage” intake, your mind will be more clear and capable of uncovering those bright ideas and solutions. Listen to a podcast that will benefit you or watch the NASA channel – something different. If you scroll through social media, make sure that your feed only contains positive and constructive posts – things that inspire you to create and become your best.

Use Your Mind

It’s up to you how you will use your mindset. Will you use it to numb your way through life or to become a better version of yourself?

Don’t trick yourself out of living a magnificent life. Things will happen (that’s life), but you do have a choice in how you respond. Your mind will either allow you to wallow in self-pity or it will encourage you to stand up and push forward.

The choice is yours.

Replace Your Old Thinking, With New Thinking

Replace Old Thinking Habits Wiith New Thinking Habits

Too much thinking can make things harder in our minds, than they are in reality. Whenever we’re assigned a new responsibility, there’s a little hesitation that comes along with it.

Taking on something new seems hard, simply because you’ve never done it, or you don’t want to do it. You start to think about all the things that could go wrong, instead of what could go right.

Shift your perspective. It’s an opportunity to grow and learn something new. Let’s take a look at how we can adjust our thinking to accommodate our improvement.

From Old Thinking To New Thinking

  • Old Thinking: “This is how we’ve always done it.” You want to stay comfortable. This can be a challenge within itself. Doing things the same way seems to be the perfect routine, but routines can become outdated. Knowing how you’re going to do something does work in your favor, but at the same time, you should consider adjusting your routine, if it can be more efficient.
  • New Thinking: “There’s always room for improvement.” All it takes is a little more time to see if something new will benefit you. The way technology is today, things change all the time. There’s always a better way to do things. Keep an open mind – what used to take you 30 minutes, might take you 10 minutes if you attempt the new way.
  • Old Thinking: “That’s okay, I’m good.” You’re scared of success. Instead of doing a little more and finding a way to accomplish your goal, you self-sabotage. You tell yourself that you really don’t want it, but in fact, you really do. Being afraid to take a chance on yourself breeds laziness.
  • New Thinking: “How can I make this happen?” Your focus is now on the solution, not the ‘problem’. Starting the process of figuring out a path is the first step. Be confident! When you write down your ideas, your mind begins to create more ideas and different ways to reach your results.
  • Old Thinking: “What will people say?” You fear judgment from others. It scares you to do something that might fail, because someone will make fun of you or criticize what you did. This is another form of self-sabotage. People insult others out of their own insecurities – they’re taking the attention away from themselves and putting it on you. They think they’ll fail, so they think you’ll fail, too.
  • New Thinking: “I got this.” Move forward and continue to make progress. The people who drag you down and insult your actions will see your success and change their tune. Have the courage to stay persistent, even when it seems it’s not working. This is how you get to the next level of a better you. Keep your focus and resist comparing yourself to others – this is your race.

Think For Yourself

Never doubt your abilities. Anything is possible, but you must be dedicated to the process in order to see the achievement. It doesn’t work if you keep stopping based on what someone says or your own hindering thoughts.

Enhancing your life is not easy. Train your thinking towards abundance and positivity. Encourage yourself. There’s no shame in changing your mind to becoming more proactive. Go ahead and raise your standards and work above them. Think for yourself and take pride in what you have accomplished.

Do the hard things – everyone else is doing the easy things, that’s why there’s no growth there. Don’t get stuck by accepting what is – do your own thinking and create what you imagine. Make each day count towards your plan. Take the road less traveled and enjoy the many successes along the way.
