The concept of ‘real time’ is doing something as it happens or at the moment it occurs.
It seems like we live in ‘real time,’ but most of us really don’t. How can you not live in ‘real time’ while you are actually living?
Some people put things off, therefore, real time is delayed time. Procrastination at it’s best.
For people who never have enough time to exercise or eat right or spend time with their kids, etc., that’s absolutely not true.
You can find time – it’s always there. What you want to do, you’ll find time for- you can make time for anything.
Understandably, when you’re at work, you can’t just stop and do the things you want to do – but what about those moments when you can?
When you’re at home and you’re eating a bag of chips, your mind says, “Maybe I should eat an apple…”. In ‘real time’ you would put down the chips and eat the apple, but instead, you choose to ignore that thought.
That’s how living in ‘real time’ works.
When you’re binge-watching your favorite show and you think, “I need to write an outline for my paper…” stop watching it and create the outline for your paper. That’s ‘real time’ living.
We all know what we should do in out minds, but we seem to make the choice to ignore those hints. When we see others who are successful, we complain, “I could be successful like that, but I didn’t have time.”
The difference between you and them is that they listened to those mindful hints and applied it in ‘real time’. They acted upon those thoughts in ‘real time’.
They didn’t say, “Let me finish eating this ice cream first, then I’ll eat healthy,” or “I’m gonna sleep in – it’ll be there when I wake up, it’s not going anywhere.”
As you can see, living in ‘real time’ takes discipline and effort. Sometimes, we’d rather do what we want to do, rather than what we need to do.
Living in ‘real time’ accomplishes goals. You can’t be lazy and expect to achieve what you want – it takes ‘real time’ habits.
When you think it, do it – that’s all there is to it. Before you binge-watch your favorite show, get all of the ‘real time’ tasks and responsibilities out of the way, first. Then you can enjoy your shows with a sense of completion and fulfillment.
Besides…it’s not going anywhere.