Your self-limiting beliefs is what holds you back. It’s that negative chatter in your head that tells you that you can’t do it before you even start.
You haven’t even begun, yet, you’re already defeated.
It starts in your mind. You believe the negative self-talk, but you ignore the positive. It should be the other way around.
We want someone to cheer us on, but you have to get it right in your head first.
It makes no sense to want your dream to thrive on the outside, but you’re killing it on the inside.
The funny thing is, you’re in control. You can change it if you want to. Being the best at what you want to do just requires a little effort and inner support from you — your mind.
Don’t let everything live in your mind. You have the ability to ignore it if you don’t like it. If it makes you feel good, let it run all through your brain! Don’t let go of that feeling! Allow it to take over!
But somehow, the negative, unproductive thoughts run rampant in your mind. “Everything that can go wrong, will go wrong, so why even try.” It rings all up and through your brain and you let it.
There needs to be a switch, here.
I get it — positive is boring and hard. Negative is edgy and exciting.
Once you understand that you have full, total control over your mind, you’ll feel like you’ve been cheating yourself all this time.
You’ll complain, “Why didn’t they teach me that in school? Why didn’t anyone tell me that I HAVE THE POWER?”
People did tell you. The fact is, you chose to listen with a deaf ear. Your attention craved negative things. It’s more exhilarating.
Your focus is controlled by others who don’t have your pure interest at heart. They’ll show and tell you anything, in exchange for your loyalty.
That’s what happens when you don’t think for yourself. You’re lost, waiting on someone else to tell you what to do and how to live your life. You look to them as if your life depended on it.
Practice your positive. Repeat affirmations until it gets stuck on repeat in your head. Read biographies of people who didn’t give up on themselves. Listen to motivational podcasts.
Lately, people have been saying that motivation doesn’t work.
It works if you didn’t have any motivation to begin with.
Take a chance and live like you’ve always imagined. Spread out a blanket on your front lawn and have a snack while looking at the clouds. You can do that!
What’s stopping you?
Nothing. Nothing but your own mind and what others might think of you.
Who cares?
Deep inside, they want to come and sit on your blanket. They want to look at the clouds, too.
But, they’re too worried about how silly it looks.
Think for yourself! Give yourself permission to do what you want to do! It doesn’t matter how it looks to others — all that matters is how it makes YOU feel.
Stop giving up your time and power to other people who don’t even care about you. Stop allowing them to crowd your mind with pessimistic clutter.
You are in control. Be you and take control of your life. Guide it the way you want it to go.
Besides…we’re all figuring it out as we go along. Figure out what you like and know that you can do it. No more wimpy thoughts about your capabilities.
You are who you believe you are. It’s your choice. Are you going to think big or think small?
Don’t be lazy with your thinking. Don’t be so quick to put yourself down, while pushing others forward.
Take the limits off of your mind and push yourself. You’ll be surprised at how far you can go when you believe.
(Previously published on Medium.com.)