Discipline is a word that successful people are comfortable with, but for others, it’s a Debbie Downer. Having self-discipline allows you to stay ten steps ahead of those future obstacles and challenges.
It takes discipline to achieve any goal, whether you’re a toddler learning to walk, or an adult getting in shape. It may sound repetitive and boring, but that’s where your achievement lives and if you want it bad enough, you’ll use discipline to get you there.
Instant Gratification
The opposite of being disciplined is indulging in instant gratification. Instant gratification is nothing more than doing what feels good in the moment.
Eating cake feels good in the moment, but if you have too many of those moments, you’ll gain weight, among other things. Once you start noticing the outcome, it’s not so gratifying anymore.
We all want to feel good in every moment, but a lot of times, it doesn’t turn out good in the end. Too much of anything isn’t good for you, so you have to be mindful and consider what’s more beneficial in the long run – eating cake all day and feeling crummy, or replacing it with an apple and feeling vibrant?
Yes, it sounds like a buzz kill, but when you experience the results that you thought were impossible, it feels awesome! Discipline turns some people off because they can’t see an immediate change, but all you need is a strong focus and determination to reach your desired outcome.
The person who decides to save a dollar a day, will benefit more financially down the road, than the one who decides to spend a dollar day. Not only will they be in a better financial position in the future, they will also have developed a mindset of discipline.
Discipline Is A Major Advantage
When your friends want to go out and have a good time every Friday and Saturday night, that’s instant gratification. When you make the choice to stay home and work on your side business, that’s discipline.
Who doesn’t want to have a good time on the weekends? You deserve it, right? Who wants to stay in the house, working on their future all the time?
Spending most of your paycheck as soon as you get it is not the move. It feels good over the weekend, but when Monday comes, you’re back to where you started. Having discipline will take care of that ‘back to rock bottom’ feeling.
Discipline is not sexy. It’s not the fun or hip thing to do. As boring as it seems, it’s the best tool you can use to prepare for the best results of any goal in mind.
Drinking water everyday, or putting money aside for unexpected emergencies can be hard at first, but the more you do it, the easier it becomes. Drinking water for two weeks will show the glow in your skin and the energy in your step. Having money saved for those little emergencies won’t blow your bank account back to zero. Being disciplined is a major advantage.
Discipline Gives The Best Rewards
If you’re not used to making small sacrifices in order to meet your achievements, take it one step at a time. The most important thing to do is start.
You don’t have to save $500 every week – start with $10. You don’t have to start doing cardio an hour a day – start with 10 minutes and build. That’s how you develop discipline and eventually, dominate life.
Discipline gives you the best rewards. No one can be their best without practicing some form of self-control. We all want to live our lives on a beach, not worrying about money or going to a job we hate every morning. In order to do what you want to do, you must do what you have to do. It’s going to take time and a strong, consistent effort, but that’s discipline.
When you master self-discipline, you grant yourself more options and opportunities. Take hold of your future by building your discipline, today.