Generational wealth is something we talk about, as if it’s far-fetched or not made for certain people to obtain. In reality, anyone can start the ball rolling for their future heirs today.
For some reason, we think just because we didn’t inherit a fortune, it means that generational wealth wasn’t meant for us. “No one passed anything down to me…”, but that doesn’t mean you can’t start.
Everyone wishes they could inherit a million dollars in a trust fund or when their grandparents pass on. That’s not the way to think – what about if you broke the cycle and started a generational wealth path for your kids and grandkids to follow?
Generational Wealth Is Possible
We look at all of the millionaires and billionaires and think how lucky their kids must be, to have rich parents. It’s easy to think about how they could grow up and not have to work or want for anything.
How we wish that we were in that situation, where we had the money to do what we want. We even wish we could give that to our kids.
You can start the gift of generational wealth. “But I don’t own any real estate or businesses or stocks to pass down!”
Generational wealth may not have played a part in your life, but you could start now and allow it to play a part in your forthcoming future. It is possible.
Just Start
“But I don’t have that kind of money.” It doesn’t take a lot of money to start. The only habit you need to create is the habit of putting money aside for your child.
Real estate takes a nice chunk of money to start (and time). Building a business is the same, but there is one way you can start today.
If you start to invest in the stock market when your child is born or at whatever age they are now, by the time they are 21 years old, they’ll have a nice nest egg to sit on.
Of course, the earlier you start, the better, but you can start at anytime. You can open a custodial account for your child and invest a certain amount every week, every other week or once a month. The only thing you have to do is start and be consistent.
Teach Your Kids How To Invest
As a baby, you’ll need to make investments for them, but once they come to an age of understanding, you can teach them how to invest. That way, when they become older, if they lose it, they know how to get it back.
You won’t just throw them money when they turn 18 – you’ll be giving them the responsibility of managing their own funds. By the time they’re eligible to take over their own account, those investments will have grown! They can either continue investing or start their own business while having a financial cushion to protect them from going broke.
“Give a man a fish and he’ll eat for a day – teach him how to fish and he’ll eat for a lifetime.”
That’s what generational wealth does – it not only passes down wealth, it goes on to create the standard of personal responsibility and ownership within your family.
Generational Wealth Is The Gift That Keeps On Giving
Be the example and start. Your parents or grandparents may not have left you anything, but you can break that cycle, beginning with you and your kids. Open an investment account and show them how to invest in the right stocks.
Keep in mind, investing is a long-term game and that’s why it’s great if you could start right when they’re born. Anytime is a great time to start, but you want to show them, so that they can show their kids and create a family legacy.
There are many things to consider when investing in the stock market – it is a lifetime of fundamentals and technical analyses to learn. “Starting Your Kids With Stocks From Scratch” will show you how to get your kids started investing. Also, it gives you information on how to open a brokerage account in their name – something for them to be proud of and own.
We’re not about passing down the same problems – we’re about being the solution for better things to come. Break the cycle of emptiness and leave a legacy for generations ahead! Invest in your family’s future with “Starting Your Kids With Stocks From Scratch” today!