Everyone has their emotions. Some days, we feel happy and some days we feel sad. Most of the time, we don’t really know why, we just know that we feel that way.
Your emotions play a huge part in the outcome of your goals. Results aren’t based on emotions, they are mostly based on logic. It goes back to your mindset – if you believe you can, then you can. The opposite also holds true.
Do you make decisions based off of your emotions? When was the last time you put your feelings aside in order to make things happen?
Emotions Can Get In The Way
Have you ever had to make a choice, whether to go with your head or your heart? You may go with your heart, but when it comes to results, technically, your head should win every time.
Emotions can cloud your best judgment. When you think with your feelings, you expect others to think that way, as well. You think that maybe they’ll like you more or things will go the way you want them to go. That’s not always true.
That’s because business has nothing to do with emotions. Remember, you can control your emotions – you don’t have to react to everything. No one cares how you were feeling at the time. Feelings don’t create results.
Things Just Need To Get Done
Guiding your decisions with your emotions will end up leading you down a path you didn’t want to be on. Save your feelings for baby showers and cute pets.
When it’s time to get things done, your emotions can cause you to procrastinate. You’ll sit there and contemplate on which scenario will work out better. If it doesn’t work out, then you feel even worse for not making a better, fact-based decision.
If you allow your brain to lead you, the outcome will be more solid and stable. There’s no emotions in figuring out solutions – it will either work, or it won’t. There’s no need to feel sad or angry about it. Make the adjustment and move forward. This is how things get done.
Remove Emotions, Remove Drama
When you lead with your heart, especially concerning goals and business, it almost never ends well. Basing decisions off of your emotions will lead to more drama and your feelings will get hurt (because you’re emotional).
Removing your feelings is the best way to handle things. You’re able to think clearly and be more reliable. The results will make logical sense and everything will flow more smoothly.
Also, you won’t get involved on a personal level. Once you put your feelings into a project, it becomes personal. It creates drama and friction with others. Everyone doesn’t feel the same way about everything, so just come with the facts and not your feelings.
Time Management And Emotions
Being emotional can take up so much of your time and effort. It often delays the process of taking action.
Make an attempt to simplify things. Overthinking and injecting your feelings will only waste more time. If you want things to get done, your focus should never be on how something makes you feel.
Concentrate on the results, which come from a direct mind, not an emotional mind. If you want the best outcome, don’t give in to your feelings.
Move Forward, But Without Your Feelings
If we did things whenever we felt like it, nothing would get done. We tend to get caught up in how certain things make us feel and we don’t follow through as efficiently as we should.
You’ll never lose weight if you feel like eating junk food. You’ll never be a chess champion if you feel like looking at social media all day. You’ll never be a success at anything, if you never feel like it. Stop waiting to ‘feel like it’ and just do it!
Discipline wins over emotions, every time. Think about where you want to be, put your feelings aside and put in the work. If you always operate from an emotional standpoint, you’re making things harder than they have to be.
Let’s get in the habit of making decisions from a sensible place. Don’t let your emotions prevent your success.