Intention Will Get You Farther Along Than Hope

Intention Will Get You Farther Along Than Hope

It’s the beginning of the New Year and everyone has a resolution. Most resolutions are created in the spirit of the event, but very few are realized in real life with intention and focus.

What normally happens is, we begin to hope. We hope that we can lose weight or we hope that we can make more money. Hope doesn’t do what intention will do.

How Far Can Hope Take You?

When we’re young, people often ask us what we want to do when we become adults. No one ever tells us the details in order to get to that destination.

This leads us to hoping and wishing for the desired result. If we don’t know any other way to become what we want to be, we don’t don’t how to take the necessary steps to get there.

You can hope all you want, but the only thing that will change is the amount of time you’ve wasted. A car that doesn’t move doesn’t go anywhere. Thinking about the destination won’t magically get you there and hoping won’t either.

Hope is a good place to start, but it won’t carry you to your end goal. Now, we must connect our hope to intention. When the connection is made, things will start to happen and you will see more opportunities to grow.

Intention Involves Work

Intention is where the real work begins. Doing things on purpose builds your character and allows you to design your own path to success, with confidence.

Do you hope to win the game or do you practice in order to have the best advantage to win the game? Will you hope to read two books in one month, or will you come up with a strategy to read two books in one month?

The difference is night and day. Hope feels good in your mind, but intention will actually exercise your mind to get to where you want to be.

With intention, you know what you’re going to do and how you’re going to do it. You create a deadline and you think of alternate ways of following through. If you don’t make your deadline, you intentionally keep going anyway.

Be intentional with your free time. Create strategies to reach your achievements. We see successful people, but we don’t see the intentional work that went into their accomplishments.

How To Be Intentional

Understand that being intentional will take work (that’s why it’s called intention, not hope). Make your habits a daily practice in your life, so that you are making progress, everyday.

Make a detailed plan and put aside time to do productive work. This means actually doing the small things that will eventually lead to the big things. Don’t hope you’ll start walking this week, actually get out the door and walk to the end of the street.

Even if you don’t have the appropriate gear, it shouldn’t stop you. There are some things you have to do or figure out along the way, but the most important thing is to start.

All you need to do now, is walk everyday to the end of the street. As the days continue, go farther to develop your stamina and endurance. This is how you develop a habit with intention, which will lead to reaching your goals. There’s no other way to get there – you must simply make a detailed plan, put in the time and DO IT!

Stack The Odds In Your Favor

Nothing happens just because. People accomplish what they set out to do by being intentional and deliberate with their habits. Again, you may see their success, but you never see the details that produced it.

Make it where you will see progress in your life. Only you can force yourself to have better focus, discipline and consistency. Demand more from yourself than others. Know that it won’t get done, unless you take on the personal responsibility and do it.

Instead of looking at the next year, concentrate on today, this week, next month or the next ninety days. Once you begin, you’ll see results within a month and definitely in a year.

Don’t cheat yourself. Be productive on purpose, but most of all, be more intentional than hopeful.


How To Achieve Big Dreams With Small Steps

How To Achieve Big Dreams With Small Steps

Having goals and dreams are an important part of success. How would you know where to go or what to do without some sort of plan in place?

Having a strategy will give you direction, but what else do you need? When we’re asked what our dreams and goals are, we normally respond with our hopes and wishes. That’s great, but that won’t be enough to get you there.

“What Are Your Dreams And Goals?”

“I hope I can make lots of money! I hope I can work for a top 10 company!” This is how we look at our goals. We know the results we want, but we don’t think about the details and how we’re going to get there.

Everyone wants to make a lot of money, but the most important thing is how will you make it happen? Exactly, what do you need to do? Do you need to go to school for training? Are you able to work as an apprentice? Could you read a couple of books and get started right away?

Seeing the big picture is the blueprint of your goals. The other aspect you must focus on are the details.

Details Create Results

Everyone wants a chocolate cake, but no one wants to go through the process of making it. Sometimes, it’s enough to make some people not want it at all.

If you want your dream bad enough, you’ll work through the small details. Hoping and wishing will not get you the results you’re looking for. Yes, it’s important to have faith and believe in yourself, but you must back that up with action and the action is in the details.

Don’t be afraid to tackle the process – it’ll be well worth your time and effort. Being lazy about it won’t bring it to life.

The details are what make your dreams come true. It doesn’t happen overnight – you have to continue to move forward, even in the face of adversity.

Obstacles And Challenges

Working through the process also comes with hurdles that you must solve and get over.

Obstacles and challenges can occur at any moment. Remember, this is not permission to stop, but to figure it out, become smarter and move on. These inconvenient mishaps are what teaches you lessons and make you stronger.

Also, you will make mistakes. No one has ever achieved their goals without getting things wrong. Making a mistake simply gives you feedback and allows you to create a better way of going about your strategy.

Dreams Aren’t Easy

People on social media make achieving their dreams look so easy and stress-free. No one posts about their failures and setbacks. All you get to see is the pretty side of success.

We know the end result of what we want, but let’s not forget to do the hard part and fill in the details. The details are where you actually build your dreams.

No, it’s not easy and you won’t get it all done today. What you can do is start today by being productive and intentional by working on your plan. Write down the little things you need to do on a daily basis to see the big picture.

The results are the byproduct of your journey. If you concentrate on the details while keeping the dream in mind, you will accomplish what you set out to do and possibly more.
