If there’s ever a time to be unselfish, it’s right now. The #coronavirus has told the entire world to take several seats.
The act of being considerate used to be a high standard. People would actually think of someone else before they spoke or act. Today, not so much.
Even before the virus happened, most people had already lost their sense of manners and common respect. There used to be an unwritten rule that everyone would follow when interacting with each other. Now, it seems like it’s every man/woman for himself/herself.
It Costs Nothing To Be Considerate
It’s not hard to be polite. Actually, it should take less effort to be considerate, as opposed to being selfish. You should get a good feeling on the inside from being a nice person. Being nice doesn’t just benefit you, it benefits those around you, as well. Who wants to be around a person with a nasty attitude?
Everyone won’t appreciate your kindness. Some people are just mean for no reason at all. Nothing in the world matters to them, until it affects them on a personal level. Then, they expect sympathy from everyone, when they’ve never shown an ounce of simple courtesy to anyone else.
Life isn’t like that. The Golden Rule has stood the test of time for a reason – treat others the way you want to be treated. When you put out good energy, you receive good energy, in some form or another. Overall, it puts everyone in a good place and allows for a positive perspective.
Even when people aren’t nice to you, keep your peace and continue to be kind. Sometimes, that’s all someone needs, is to be shown some kindness, because they aren’t used to it. We all grew up in different environments, so it can be difficult for some people to accept when someone is being considerate.
Although it may make you upset when someone isn’t nice, it’s a reflection on them, not you. You don’t control them. All you can focus on is your self and how you respond.
Consider This…
Speaking of being considerate, let’s talk about the world’s current situation dealing with the coronavirus pandemic. You may think you don’t make a difference, but every person on every economic level matters in this situation.
Maybe you or someone you know is affected by it. Overall, how does it make you feel? Wouldn’t it be considerate if everyone would settle down and take the necessary precautions to get rid of the virus?
There are people who are ignoring the medical advice being given. Even with most of the stores and restaurants being closed, they still find a way to be defiant by going out, without thinking of the preventive measures that should be taken.
These people are inconsiderate. “You gotta live your life – everyone’s going to die sometime – I’m not staying in the house, I can go wherever I want…” To them, it seems cool, until it happens to someone close to them. Now, they’re begging others to stay inside and stop their activities to decrease the spread of the virus (remember the Golden Rule?).
This is happening to all of us and it’s going to take all of us to stop it. No one ever thought we would be experiencing a pandemic in this day and age. There are people walking around who don’t even know they have it and they’re spreading it, unknowingly. Don’t be a show-off. It’s not to punish you, but to help everyone. Keep yourself safe, so that you’re keeping others safe, too.
We’re in this together, so let’s be considerate of each other. If someone needs help, be kind, but with caution. As of now, it’s the only way we’re going to get through this.
It’s not weak to be considerate and kind. Let’s take one for the team, be responsible with our decisions and take heed to the safety measures that will help us all.