Procrastination can take on many identities. It can show up as overthinking, waiting for the “perfect” time or by doing things that don’t really matter.
Procrastination is the act of constantly putting something off. Whether it’s an action or a thought, there’s something more important that causes you to make the excuse of not doing what needs to be done.
In reality, procrastination disguises itself with busy work and overstimulating thoughts. It tricks you into validating your excuses, instead of following through and moving the needle.
Have you ever had a tough time deciding what to do? The task is simple, but you make it difficult by thinking too far into the details?
This is what overthinking looks like: “I want to wear the red shirt, but it doesn’t match my shoes. I wish it was cooler outside – it would go great with those jeans I bought the other day. Did I buy this too big? Then again, I think I might return it to the store, but I really like it. Maybe I can exchange it for another size, but the store is an hour away…”
It goes on and on. Being indecisive and overthinking wastes time and causes inaction. Either you’re going to wear the shirt or take it back. Get in the habit of making a decision and sticking with it. If it’s the wrong decision, don’t procrastinate more by beating yourself up about it – just make another decision and go with it.
The “Perfect” Time
Waiting on the “perfect” time to start is complete nonsense. There is no “perfect” time. The time to start is always now.
This is what waiting for the “perfect” time looks like: “I’ll start writing my book after that new computer goes on sale. Let me eat everything I want and then I’ll begin my new diet on Monday. It’s raining today and rain makes me feel lazy – I’ll do my chores next week. My homework is due tomorrow, but my friends are coming over right now – I’ll do it after they leave.”
The “perfect” time is causing your procrastination and it’s an easy trap to fall into. What are you waiting for? The circumstances may be right when you think about it, but it’s also harder to follow through when you constantly put things off. Don’t get in a routine of waiting for the “perfect” time to do something – the best time is always now.
Doing Things That Really Don’t Matter
Sometimes, we even create busy work to make it seem like we’re not procrastinating. We think of odd things to do, in order to cover up what needs to be done.
This is what doing things that really don’t matter look like: “I would start on that new project, but first, let me clean my desk. I’ll do my taxes, but I need to paint the garage, first. I’ll start drawing the blueprint for tomorrow’s meeting after I update my phone.”
Understandably, there may be an order to things, but don’t take it for granted when something important needs to get done. Painting the garage isn’t an essential chore compared to doing your taxes. Busy work doesn’t necessarily equate to productive work. If there’s a deadline, procrastinating by doing busy work won’t make it go away. Fight the urge to do non-important tasks and push forward towards the constructive ones.
Beating Procrastination
Have the discipline to beat procrastination. Do the work now and make it better as you go along. No matter how you feel, look forward to completing the task at hand – you’ll always feel better after you’re done.
Let’s be more productive and move the needle. Time waits for no one. There are many opportunities that are missed when we procrastinate. Start thinking more “just do it,” and less “I’ll do it when…” Train your mindset to take action and make things happen!