Personal responsibility can be a touchy subject. Some people think your life is in your hands, while others think every situation is up to fate.
We can create our own destiny through positive thoughts and constructive actions. Depending on your perspective, this could be true or false. There’s no detailed example for everyone to follow when it comes to walking the path to success.
Taking personal responsibility is the definitive line here – if you cross it, it can change your life. If you don’t, you could end up where you didn’t intend to be.
What Is Responsibility?
What happens when you lack personal responsibility? You leave it up to someone else to lead your life. It gives that person with ambition the permission to use you to reach their goals.
Personal responsibility is the first step to self-improvement. Who else is going to put in the work? That test won’t ace itself – the bills won’t pay themselves – your body won’t remain healthy on it’s own. This takes energy and being mindful on your part.
It’s not only you – sometimes, it can mean taking the hit for what has happened in a group. Although it may not be your fault, it allows you to become the leader, so you can continue pushing the group towards it’s goal. While everyone else is pointing fingers and finding fault, you’re figuring out a solution (the most important part) to keep things moving forward.
The life you live is your own. Your life isn’t supposed to mirror anyone else’s. Being inspired by someone is good, but know that the exact path to their success won’t get you to your success. That’s a different journey that requires personal responsibility.
You can blame and complain all you want, but the responsibility of living your life is solely yours. No one can pursue your journey but you. It’s exclusively yours to travel and accomplish.
See Your Life, Not Someone Else’s
Acknowledge that your future is unique to you and you have a hand in making it happen. If someone else has an advantage that you don’t have, that’s no reason to give up before you start. There are many people who achieve the impossible everyday, even though they come from unfavorable circumstances.
We all grow up in different situations. Some of us grew up rich and others grew up struggling – some were raised with mothers and fathers and others were raised by their grandparents or adopted – some had a positive environment and some didn’t – you get the point.
How you grew up does have an impact, but it’s not the deciding factor of how your life will turn out. Instead of being upset that your parents don’t have an inheritance for you, take on the personal responsibility to build one for yourself (or for your kids).
Yes, it’s hard, but it can be done. Your weight may be heavier than someone else’s, but it’s still your load to carry. By going the responsible route, you make that load a little bit lighter (even thought it seems heavy at the time) for those who come after you, while blazing your own trail.
Comparing yourself to others is a common distraction that we all face on a daily basis. Social media will have you thinking you’re not worthy or your life is so far behind other people within your age range. It’s all an insecurity show – 98% of people who are genuinely successful don’t show off on Instagram. If they do, they’re probably trying to sell you that same dream.
The thing is, you can’t “buy” the dream because there is no exact blueprint- sure, it’ll give you clues and hints, but it won’t make you instantly successful. We all must go through our own journey and receive our own rewards. In order to do that, you have to stop looking for someone to save you and take responsibility – get over your disadvantages and make them work for you.
Your Life Is Waiting
Personal responsibility can improve every area of your life, but you must realize it first. Some people go through life with the expectations of only bad things happening to them. Some will see the other side of the spectrum and find something great in every day.
We all want life to be a little easier for us, but at the same time, it’s the challenges that make us who we are. Don’t look at it as a problem – take this opportunity to find a solution. Look at it as an adventure that only you can experience, because it is, but it won’t happen unless you take responsibility to live it out.
Being responsible is your responsibility. Stop looking for it to be easy and find your own way through. Life wouldn’t be awesome if everyone lived the same story. Be excited about what the future holds for you – your exclusive adventure awaits!