We let so many thoughts scare us…
- it needs to be perfect
- it’s not the right time
- what if they don’t like it
- what if I fail
Then, there’s another level. We make situational excuses…
- I’ll start when I get paid
- it rained
- I have to do ‘A’ before I do ‘B’
- Little Billy got sick
What are we afraid of? It’s not that we’re really busy – it’s that we’re afraid to actually do.
People who really go after what’s in their heads are special. They don’t stop to overthink and analyze how crazy it might seem. They aren’t afraid of the voices in their head. They just go and succeed and keep right on going.
Everyday, try to have that mindset. Commit to doing something everyday, even when it sucks. If you put in the daily effort, it can’t get any worse – it has to get better.
So, whatever it is that you want to do, please don’t worry about the outcome or what other people will think. That is exactly what stops you.
“Be like a computer. Respond with results, not excuses.”
The Goalden Lady
Google, or any other search engine, has never given an excuse when you use it to find answers or research.
Creating excuses is a habit that has been unconsciously passed down from generation to generation, across the world. When someone asks you something, instead of telling them the truth, your mind automatically looks for an excuse. It has spilled into so many other areas of our lives, we accept it without thinking.
We treat procrastination the same way. It’s used so much, we believe it. We’re making ourselves intellectually soft. No one wants to think or do anymore.
It’s going to be hard to quit, but I challenge everyone to catch yourself when you make an excuse. Catch yourself when you procrastinate. Don’t let yourself off the hook. Hold yourself accountable.
What do you do instead?
You find the mental power within you and push through. You do it. Perform. Act. Create. Operate. Be intentional and start. Be intentional and finish. It doesn’t have to be big, just begin. Rome wasn’t built in a day.
Start by making small changes. You don’t have to start drinking 8 glasses a day, start with 2. You don’t have to start by running a 5k, start with a walk in the neighborhood. You don’t have to start with an expensive date with balloons and roses, start with a kind word and a smile.
Build your foundation. Work your way up to the results you want to obtain. Often times, we see what we want and it overwhelms us because we don’t know how to start – all we see is the end result. Start small and keep building, day by day.
Also, you will have to kill the negative chatter in your head, because that’s also stopping you. Your will to improve has to start in your mind.
Tell yourself how great you are. Tell yourself that you have the ability to do anything. Tell yourself that no matter how difficult it gets, you will find a way. Tell yourself these things, because it’s true.
You’ll even fall, sometimes. That’s okay, just remember to get up. There will be times where it hurts, but give it the time it needs, then keep going.
It’s going to be hard. You’re going to want to give up. You’ll make even more excuses because that’s easy. Change is hard. As long as you have breath in your body, believe that you can do it.
You won’t improve by doing the same thing – at some point, you’ll need to upgrade your game. Do something positive, something that will push you towards a greater situation, to the next level – something different.
It sounds so simple, but it’s one of the most hardest things in the world for people to do.
Take action and move.