Your mind is everything. It is the control center of your existence. No matter what you think, you have the power to make it so.
Average thoughts will get you average results. If you’re thinking, why not think on an elevated level? If someone asks you how much money you want, would you tell them $2? No, you would tell them $2 million (or more)!
It doesn’t hurt to think small. It doesn’t hurt to think big. If you have a choice, you may as well think BIG.
Just because you think it, doesn’t mean it will automatically happen. After you think it, you must put in the work. The ideas behind your thoughts have to come to life.
This is what thinking big entails – it’s the continuous process of ideas and their outcomes. Don’t be scared and stop after the first idea didn’t work. That’s just your cue to keep going until you find what works. There will be times where you’ll need to adapt and adjust until you reach your desired result.
Your brain is a tough piece of matter. It can go on and on, thinking different ideas as long as you allow it. Don’t get sensitive and stop thinking, because something didn’t work out. Think it out and see where those thoughts take you.
Patience is key. When you’re working on your ideas, some won’t work the way you envisioned it. That is totally fine, because that eliminates what doesn’t work. Now, you can come up with another idea. It may not work. That’s two ways it didn’t work. Keep going.
You are the one in control of your own thought process.
You could stop thinking whenever you feel like it, but why would you? This is how unique and creative ideas are born and brought to light. All you have to do is allow the process to move you forward.
Don’t let your thoughts guide you in a negative direction. If you think the outcome may be bad, simply think of something else that will give you a more positive outcome. Sometimes, you may have to take a risk on your choice.
Taking a risk is like taking a gamble on your choices. That’s why it’s called a ‘risk,’ because you’re taking a chance and you’re willing to accept the outcome, whether it’s good or bad. Taking risks is a personal choice, but whatever you choose to do, be sure that you are okay with the outcome, either way it goes. Don’t take a risk if going to jail is a possibility and you know you don’t want to go to jail. If it’s something worth going to jail for, you must be okay with that, because it is a real consequence.
So, please, don’t stop thinking. If it’s a negative thought, dump it. Act on the positive thoughts. Those ‘a-ha’ moments are telling you something. Listen to them.