It sounds impossible, right?
There’s a quote by Nelson Mandela along the lines of, “It’s always impossible until someone does it.” That someone could be you.
Why not? You have 24 hours. You have a brain. If you can put both of those to use, you’re in the “impossible is happening today” business.
We all have time, but we’re quick to say we don’t have enough of it. It has become the unquestionable excuse. If you look very hard, you’re sure to find more time somewhere.
You don’t always have to sleep for 10 hours every night. You don’t have to go to Happy Hour every Thursday after work. You don’t have to binge watch a different season every weekend. You don’t HAVE to do these things.
What you HAVE to do is manage your time better. Don’t say you don’t have time to start working on your goal, when you’re continuously doing things that don’t absolutely matter. Stop doing favors for others and start doing favors for yourself.
Put yourself first. The dreams that are in your head seem impossible. When you decide to contribute some time to them, you will begin to see how possible they are. Don’t just think about it, create a plan and get started.
If none of your friends are working towards their goals, it may be time to upgrade to a new level of friends. You’re comfortable as long as you stay with your old friends, but comfort is the enemy of growth. Being around a new element will force you to increase your performance.
Also, you have a brain. This means you have a mind. You’ve used your mind before, but now is the time to use it with intent. Think of what you want to do in life and move on it. If other people have done it, you definitely can do it, too – maybe even better.
Your mind is not only used to remember fun facts and enough information to pass a test, it can be used to create your future! Don’t listen to that negative internal chatter. If you can change your mind (which you can), you can change yourself and GROW.
Stop thinking you aren’t good enough. Change your mind and know you are good enough. You’re just as capable as anyone else. The only difference is, they know they can because they think they can. Give yourself the same advantage. Don’t wait on permission – you already have it.
Use your time and your mind wisely. By being aware of those overlooked conveniences, you can start doing the impossible. There is no such thing as impossible – you just haven’t done it yet.