There are many things to consider in order to have a successful business. One of the most simplest things is keeping your word.
Say what you’re going to do and then, do it. You can tell a lot about a person by the way they handle their business. It’s the simple things that can put you over the top.
If you’re running late, call and let them know. No one likes their time wasted. If you need to reschedule, call and let them know. No one likes to wait and wonder. If you need to change a few things, call and let them know. No one likes to be surprised when they were expecting something else.
See a pattern?
Communication is key.
It’s the same thing with you. You would be furious if someone didn’t show up for their appointment. You could have been helping someone else, or better yet, making money with another client. A simple phone call would’ve been nice.
If you did work for a client and they didn’t pay you all of the money, anger would set it. The first thing you would say is, “Why didn’t you tell me you couldn’t make a full payment in the first place? We could have made other arrangements!”
Most problems in business can easily be solved by communicating. Treating others the way you want to be treated is the number one rule in life. If you are unable to keep your word, that’s a sign that you probably shouldn’t be in business.
One of the easiest ways to keep your word is to be honest and upfront. If there’s something you can’t do at the time, let your client know. It’s better for them to know now, than to find out later when the work wasn’t what they expected it to be. With social media, a bad experience can spread fast.
Another way is to keep your appointment and if possible, show up early. This shows how serious you are about your business. Sometimes, all it takes is one missed appointment for your client to leave you and move on to someone else. Be professional.
Also, to cut down on confusion, write it down. At some point, you’ll have so many clients, all of the work will start to look the same. Don’t depend on your memory – have a written back up (for yourself), just in case.
These suggestions may sound simple, but you’ll be surprised at how many people overlook the simplicity of good communication.
When you start your business or with any job, keep your word. Great communication cuts down on potential mistakes and embarrassment. Your clients will appreciate you for it and the word will spread that you are an awesome person to work with!