The simple things are make life wonderful. It’s a satisfying feeling you won’t be able to find anywhere else. It’s that joy you feel when you’re in the moment and everything is right with the world.
Simple can be a hard thing to do. We live in a world where instant gratification is the goal and being rude is the standard. Simplicity makes things feel complete and whole, as opposed to hurried and confusing.
Things have to be done and they have to be done now (or so we think). Is it really that serious, or did we just decide to turn those precious moments into a personal burden?
Be Simple
It’s easy to get caught up in the rat race – always on the go, falling into convenience and allowing technology to rob us of our presence.
The next time you become bored and decide to grab your phone as a distraction, don’t. Instead, do these things:
- Smile at a stranger
- Hold the door open for the person behind you
- Compliment someone in your household or at work
- Take a minute to look around and be present
- Remember that thing you used to love doing when you were little? Do it.
- Instead of cutting the conversation short, listen and indulge thoughtfully
- Read a book that interests you
- Enjoy the rain
- Call a friend, instead of texting
- Have lunch with someone without your phone
- Actually solve a problem – don’t put it off for later
- Speak kind words to yourself
- Bake some cookies from scratch
- Make time to watch a sunrise or sunset
- Celebrate a small win
These are the moments that you shouldn’t let slip past you. Life is short and joy can’t be found in material things. Being present allows you to give yourself a mental break – it’s a small pleasure that provides a big benefit!
So don’t rush through your day – take the time to interact with the world on a simple level. There are enough trolls and people who try to make it hard for others. Find your peace and enjoy it every chance you get.