The most difficult part of a goal is starting. Starting is the challenge. It’s not the other small details within your goal’s objective, it’s taking the first step. The easiest things can be done, but you have to start.
Some things may be so easy, you don’t start. Procrastination creeps in and you begin to think, “This is so easy. I’ll do it tomorrow.” Tomorrow turns into the next day and the next day turns into next week. Before you know it, next week has slipped into next year.
Even when something is hard to do, you may put a little more thought into it, but because you think it’s hard, you put it off. Your mind goes into making excuses and complaints. “I need to do more research. I have to wait on Jane so she can show me how to do it. It rained today.” You’ll say anything to not start right now.
This happens to all of us. Once you figure out how to actually start, you’ll be able to follow through with your tasks and defeat procrastination. Here’s a few tips on how to start.
- Eliminate all distractions. This is tough, because distractions are everywhere. Control the distractions that hinder you from starting. If you have to write a report, close out all the tabs on your laptop and start with the blinking cursor. If you want to lose weight, clean out all the junk food in the house. If you want to learn a hobby, buy the necessary items to make it happen. Whatever it is, take action that will lead to doing your task.
- Don’t start with everyone else. People always want to start something new on Monday. I don’t know why Monday is the magic day of new beginnings, but if you don’t start this Monday, you’ll tell yourself next Monday. Instead of starting on Monday, how about starting on Saturday? Get a head start on everyone else and their Monday’s. Start your New Year’s resolutions on December 1st. Give yourself an advantage, so when that day actually comes, you’ll be ahead of the game.
- Set up a reminder on your phone. Put a reminder on your phone. Do not turn off the notification until you have started. This may not work for everyone, but for people like me, I don’t like to see that notification bubble that says I have 10 reminders left that haven’t been done. Check those items off and feel a sense of accomplishment.
- Just start, cold turkey. If you knew how to start, cold turkey, you probably wouldn’t be reading this. Sometimes, you just have to force yourself to fall into a rhythm. It’s hard to do, but it works, if you can do it. See if you can do a ‘hard’ start on that project one day. No complaining, no excuses, no laying around, just get up and do it.
These are just a few suggestions on how to get over that hump. What you have to remember is, it’s up to you to put one foot in front of the other. Know what you want to achieve in the end. It takes smaller steps to create the bigger picture. Don’t be hard on yourself, but know that you have to start. After you make starting a habit, you’ll be surprised at how much you can accomplish. Let’s get started!