How To Get Lucky In Life

“They’re just lucky.” That phrase is used so often, some people actually believe it.

Life isn’t fair. Should we all have been born rich? Snap our fingers and have what we want? Have things go our way, everyday?

Being lucky sounds great in theory, but imagine what kind of person you would be, if everything automatically happened for you. We all have a different opinion of how awesome it would be to have a manufactured life.

Now that we know that life really isn’t fair, let’s work the other angle. Since it isn’t fair, how do we go about turning it around in our favor and making our own luck?

Control Your Lucky Mindset

Don’t be the person who always find excuses as to why you aren’t lucky and how it will always be this way. Think on the other side of your mind for a change.

What can you do to shift your thoughts? Be positive. If you need help, watch videos or listen to podcasts to get you started. You won’t become successful just by listening and watching, but it may get the wheels in your mind turning and spark you to take action.

We can be so hung up on what won’t happen, that we forget that we have the power to make things happen. You’ll be surprised at how far you can go if you actually put your mind to it.

Create Daily Lucky Habits

Doing the same thing everyday, will get you what you already have. Nothing.

If you want your situation to change, you have to change what you do. Start building new habits that lean towards the life you want for yourself.

Begin with the basics of minding your money and your health. These are things that are easy to overlook, but we could always improve and become better.

Saving a portion of your money and exercising everyday will build discipline in other areas of your life. Once you see those results, you’ll want to form more habits that contribute to the vision of your life.

Be Luckily Responsible

The best thing you can do for yourself is take responsibility for your life. No, it may not be fair, but that doesn’t mean you should sit back and let anything happen.

Hold yourself accountable. Save yourself. Do what needs to be done and don’t look for anyone else to do anything for you. Blaming and complaining will not get you anywhere.

It’s so easy to be lazy and talk about how she had a ‘head start in life’ and how he ‘received a trust fund from his parents.’ This may be true, but it has nothing to do with you and your abilities.

They are not your responsibility. You are responsible for your own actions. Do what it takes to move your life to the next level. Worrying about how someone else has it better than you is ridiculous, because it doesn’t help your situation. Focus on yourself.

Be Your Own Luck

Luck has everything to do with your mindset, habits and responsibility. This is how you beat the unfairness of life – you shape your own luck. Be willing to dedicate your time and use your resources wisely if you want the life of your dreams.

Stop looking at what others have and concentrate on your own plan. Watching someone else’s life causes you to compare your life to theirs and that’s where you’re being unfair to yourself.

Be glad that you get to create your own life, as opposed to someone handing it to you on a silver platter. It may take time and diligence, but it’s your creation. This is your opportunity to grow into your greatness, not someone else’s.

Lose those daily excuses and constant complaining. Take that energy and use it towards becoming the magnificent person that you are.
