Everyday, we operate on autopilot. We put our energy into the wrong things and end up wasting it. When it’s time to do the right things, there’s no energy left.
There are many ways we can consume our personal energy, but where do we start? How can we productively use our mental strength better?
Better Mental Energy
Mental energy is used to make simple choices. Do you want vanilla or chocolate? Should you turn left or right? Blue or red?
If you’re not careful, these types of choices can be draining. Being indecisive contributes to a lot of wasted mental energy. You turn simple choices into life choices. Simple choices are not life choices, you just make it appear that way.
If you choose vanilla instead of chocolate, you’ll be fine, even if you don’t like it. These are not life changing choices. Nothing dramatic will happen if you make a wrong choice. Choose and go with it.
Better Solution-Focused Energy
Have you ever encountered a challenge and all you can do is think why is this happening? I thought I told Bill to do it, but he messed up. The printer ran out of paper, etc.
For some people, that’s where the buck stops. They will push the responsibility to anyone else, but themselves. Blaming someone else and finding excuses is another way that you waste energy.
Be a solution-seeker. If there’s a challenge, don’t put your energy into the problem, put it into finding a solution. That’s how you move forward. Blaming and complaining only prolongs the situation and makes it worse.
Better Personal Energy
Participating in gossip and minding other people’s business is another way that you waste energy. It has nothing to do with you, yet, you spend time talking about it, as if it does.
Unnecessary drama is a complete waste of time, but the fact is, this is how some people operate on a daily basis. Their life is dedicated to talking about other people and making themselves feel ‘good’ in the process.
It doesn’t work that way. Find something to do and be productive. Fix yourself, instead of finding other people to fix. Focus on your life and improve along the way.
Recycle The Good Energy
The good thing about energy is that it can be replenished. By eating healthy, exercising and getting good rest, you can rebuild it to use again.
Imagine if you used all of your power to be productive in your life. Instead of being indecisive about the small decisions, you would have more stamina to make the big decisions. Concentrating on a solution would automatically start the process of solving the challenge. How much closer would you be to achieving your goals if you focused on yourself instead of others?
Whenever you find yourself stagnant or comfortable, shift your thoughts towards being more constructive. Don’t make a mountain out of a mole hill. Use your energy wisely by making better choices, because you do have a choice.