When was the last time you had an experience? As small as it sounds, those moments build a strong foundation to a productive life.
Before we start anything, we want to know if it’s going to be worth it. We want to know how it all ends before we begin, so we ask others who have been through it.
How many times can you ask the same question to ten different people? You’ll get a variety of answers and everyone will tell you that their way is the right way, but this only causes fear and confusion.
Fear and confusion causes lack of movement. The quickest way to get an answer is to do it yourself. Instead of asking around and reading a ton of books about the experience you want to have, just do it.
What’s Holding You Back?
Asking for advice and reading up on your goal is a form of due diligence. At some point, you have to jump in. People get stuck in a cycle of research and it turns into procrastination.
Analysis paralysis is real. Being too curious will make you stagnant. It causes you to become indecisive and overthink. By constantly doing research, you give yourself an excuse to be a spectator, as opposed to getting in the game. If you sit on the sidelines too long, others will begin making the progress you were obsessively researching about.
Being comfortable is where you get stuck. Through experience, you’ll find growth and change. If you apply yourself, your life will certainly begin to unfold. The experience is in the action.
Gaining experience is like going on an adventure. It should be exciting to forge a new path and see what could possibly happen. Whether it works in your favor or not, you’ll always have that knowledge of how things turned out and how you can improve, if needed. Even bad decisions make for good experiences.
Taking action towards your goal shouldn’t be intimidating. You can think of all the things that can go wrong, but what about the things that could go right? You’ll put yourself in a better position, instead of doing nothing at all.
Most of all, you’ll get experience.
Only Through Experience Will You Win
No one wants to go through the bumps and bruises that lead to your potential accomplishment, but that’s part of the process. Ask anyone who has been there – they’ll tell you it wasn’t an easy journey, but they made it.
It’s easy to live through other people’s experience of success. Everyone has a different story, but you must be confident enough to start living your story.
Don’t be afraid to start or fail. Success is made up of setbacks and obstacles. You will start and fail repeatedly, but that’s the road winners take. If it was easy, everyone would do it.
Take the challenge – get advice and ask around, but make a plan to do something and start soon. If it’s not working out, find a solution until it does. Your feelings (or pride) will get hurt every now and then, but being resilient is key. Have your moment, but get back up – don’t let it overcome you.
Make good use of your time. Stop asking and start doing. Don’t ask too many people about what you should do and how to get there – that part is for you to grow through and experience. Asking for help is fine, but it shouldn’t become a crutch.
The outcome may turn out better than you imagined, but you’ll only know if you get out there and and get the experience.