People need different things to get them going. Some use vision boards, music, or meditation. All of these things are awesome to use when it comes to having a productive life. Who wants to wake up every morning, thinking negative thoughts?
Surprisingly, some people do like to start their day off with negative thoughts. I’ve seen people who find something to worry about, first thing in the morning. It’s like their day won’t be right, unless they worry or fret over something.
We all have a choice. I don’t know where this habit of having bad thoughts about ourselves comes from, but it needs to stop. When you get up in the morning, own the day ahead of you. Reading horoscopes and allowing it to affect you is not the way to go.
Be your own horoscope. Tell yourself, “Today will be an awesome day and I will do my best to make it so!” Why not? It’s better than worrying about nothing or expecting bad stuff to happen. Stress and anxiety are real, but it doesn’t need to happen, just because you can’t think happy thoughts. You CAN think happy thoughts.
It’s your life, make it worth living. Do something different. Talk to a stranger. Pay it forward. Do a random act of kindness. Buy a homeless person a meal. Make your life worth living.
Yes, there will be days where it won’t go as awesome as you want it to go, but put things in perspective. If you, your family, or friends aren’t dead or extremely sick, life is good. You can handle and can get over anything else.
Stop making things worse than they really are. Your thoughts are yours and you can think anyway you want to. Everyday is a good day. You have the ability to think forward or backward. Don’t beat yourself up. You deserve to make your life into whatever you want it to be, so don’t let anyone stop you with their negative thoughts.
In conclusion, don’t worry, be happy