Who do you look up to? Have you ever seen them make a big mistake while performing their craft? Did they expose a flaw you didn’t know they had?
Whether it’s a celebrity, someone who owns a Fortune 500 company, or old Joe from down the street, everyone has flaws and makes mistakes. It may be embarrassing at the time, but it’s something we have to learn to get over.
Your Feelings Get In The Way
Everyone has had an embarrassing moment that they wished never happened. Even Oprah took a dive on stage at an event, but got back up and continued her talk.
We see people like Oprah and we think nothing of it, because they’re well known, so it doesn’t matter. Did it faze her? Maybe a little, but not enough to stop her. Was she physically hurt? Probably so, but she didn’t let it get in the way of what she was doing.
Are you the same way? Most people let their feelings get in the way, even if the situation is not that bad. When something happens that causes you to feel some kind of way, you want to run and hide. No one likes to be the center of attention in their moment of pain.
Flaws Exist In Everyone
Embarrassment is too much to handle when we don’t know how to respond. What if Oprah would’ve left in the middle of her talk because she felt annoyed at falling down in front of a crowd?
Having flaws is a part of life. Messing up happens along the journey. Making mistakes is how we learn. The best way to respond is to move on, without remaining stuck in that moment.
If you need to apologize, then apologize. If you need to correct it, correct it. Giving your energy to something that has already happened can lead to halting your progress. Continue to be productive – there’s no need to hold on to the past with your feelings.
Be Calm And Carry On
Most of the time, it’s only a big deal if you make it a big deal. Imagine stopping every time you felt incapable or you made a mistake – you would never accomplish anything.
Focus your energy on the results that you want. Anticipate the obstacles and challenges, because they will happen. Be your own super hero and fight through whatever gets in your way! It may slow you down, but it shouldn’t stop you.
Unfortunately, setbacks never go away, but they do make you stronger. It helps you to become more flexible when the unexpected happens. Develop the habit of making adjustments when things go left and it will work to your advantage.
Handle your flaws, and everything in between, with grace. You have the power to thrive in any situation, even in those embarrassing moments. Don’t be distracted and react – face it with confidence and continue to move forward, mistakes, flaws and all.