There are thousands of distractions that consume your energy daily. Today, it’s necessary to know how to respond, so that you are able to succeed and maintain your focus.
Distractions are like gravity – it constantly pulls you down. This can have an effect on how you interact with others, as well as how you take care of yourself.
When something drains your personal energy, it can put you in a bad place, mentally and physically. How can you protect your energy to be more productive?
Save Your Physical Energy
Getting enough rest and sleep helps to restore your energy. Unlike time, you can replenish your energy whenever you need to.
It’s normal to think about energy in a physical sense. If you exercise, you’re tired in the end. If you eat a junk food diet, your body won’t perform well when it’s time to.
Your physical energy allows you to carry yourself progressively throughout the day. If the elevator breaks down, taking the stairs can be a struggle if you aren’t used to moving your body and exercising.
When it’s time to put in extra effort on a project, it doesn’t help if your diet consists of candy and soda. What you eat has an effect on your thinking and focus. Over time, bad eating habits can decrease your physical energy.
Eating a healthy diet and exercising contributes to your everyday productivity. If you ever have to run from danger, you don’t want to be the one who gives out of breath after taking 3 steps. Give yourself a better chance by improving your vitality with a healthy diet and exercise.
Preserve Your Mental Energy
Worrying creates anxiety and takes up space in your mind. Being a people-pleaser can be stressful, simply because you want someone to like you.
All of these drain your energy, mentally. Your mental health is just as important as your physical health, so you must work on taking care of it, as well.
When you worry, you’re basically giving energy to what hasn’t happened yet. Sometimes, whatever is worrying you won’t see the light of day. Avoid the habit of constantly doubting the future. Don’t overthink it. Let it unfold naturally on it’s own and respond accordingly.
Also, you don’t have to react to every conflict, or answer to every bad thing someone says about you. It may be difficult, but develop the habit of letting it go. Your mind consumes so much energy when you’re mad at someone, or when you want to correct a conflict.
These situations leave you feeling mentally irritated. Not only will it possibly get you into trouble, but it takes away from your plans and goals. You have exhausted your mind with nonsense and in return, it hinders your progress.
If it won’t have an effect on the bigger picture of your life, ignore it. People will talk about you (in person or on the internet), just to make you angry. They know it will give them attention and shake your focus. You will save yourself lots of mental anguish, if you choose to just let it go.
Hold On To Your Advantage
It’s easier said than done, but you must learn to avoid wasting time on things that hijack your energy. Working towards a healthy lifestyle can help your energy and worrying about little things that won’t make a difference only hurts. The different ways your energy can be stolen is astonishing.
Keep your peace. Use your energy to move you forward and improve your situation. Your goals require steady focus – not constant distractions.
Give yourself an advantage by conserving your strength for the things that matter. Avoid giving your power away to negative thoughts and people who don’t deserve it. Protect your energy for yourself and your goals.